Just for girl who starve themselves please?!

Question: Just for girl who starve themselves please.?
Hi girls, Ok, now I just wanna know what do you actually eat everyday.? Obviously it's not literally starving cause you would be dead so what would you eat in one day.?.? Thanks for that Health Question & Answer

Use the 2-4-6-8 plan. 200 calories one day, 400 the next, then 600, then 800, then start at 200 again.
You can still get most of the nutrients you need, if you eat the RIGHT foods.
egg white, 20 calories, great for meeting protein needs
"negative calorie" foods like celery, raw spinach, cabbage, lettuce, green beans, tomato, broccoli, etc. will fill you up and give you vitamins you need.
don't waste your calories on things like half a candy bar for your 200 calories, eat 2 egg whites 1C. green beans, 1 sliced tomato, 1 dry rice cake instead. You'll get sick if you eat garbage.Health Question & Answer

It depends on what your variation of starving yourself is. If feeling hungry every evening and most of the day, is your version, then I can answer that question, because I am hungry most of the time and have lost 9 pounds in about 5 weeks. I count calories (about 1350) per day.
I have carbs in the morning (good carbs) with fruit. (about 300 calories), Then I drink water with that. Then between 10 and 12 a.m. I eat about 60 calorie snack with more water. Then between 12 and 2, I have a 400 calorie lunch and try to minimize my carbs, but I can still have a few carb servings and make sure I eat a green healthy vegetable and then more water. Then between 2 and 4 I have another healthy snack like yogurt and water. Then between 5 and 6 I have a 500 calorie dinner, which includes protein (lean mea) two or three veggies, and no carbs or vegetables or fruit with sugar in it. (like potatoes and bananas, etc.) More water and then a snack before 8 with water. During the day I also chew sugarless gum and drink an occasional diet coke and iced tea and coffee with splenda and skim milk. No food of any kind after 8. Then I do walk away the pounds DVD's 6 days per week with weighted balls. (2, 3, and 4 mile) and always drink extra water when I am working out. Health Question & Answer

very low calorie food.

A handful of pretzels with a ton of water to fill me up
K2O protein water
a piece of fruit
some vegetables
very little chicken
Everything I eat, i eat a very little amount but with a lot of water to fill me up

If I think that I eat too much then I work out alot the next day. I save most of my calories to eat dinner with my family, but I stay around 1000 calories.
Health Question & Answer

when i was really sick with my eating disorder..it was a bowl of miniwheats..and skim milk..and maybe a apple if i did over 6hours of exercise..but normally i only did 6 so i only could have my miniwheats..and i of couarse ate them in the morning because i thought at night you would get fat..ut then i ended up in the hospital for heart failure so ya..im in recoveryHealth Question & Answer

omg are you seriously gonna starve yourself dont do taht just workout and eat healthy starving yourself is gonna make your health terribble

im skinny and i eat alot ut i have a high metabliosm try to get you metabalism higher that should help
lose wieght teh right way Health Question & Answer

you mean like have anorexia well i use to and i had
D- 1/2 of whatever was for dinner (200 ish cals)
Snacks - 2 rice cakes - 60 ish cals
and thats all i would haveHealth Question & Answer

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