Am I fat/chubby? [Pic. included]?!

Question: Am I fat/chubby.? [Pic. included].?
I do quite a lot of core strength and a few times a week I do either running or tumbling. I don't eat a lot and I feel like I shouldn't look so fat. Is my body shape really unappealing.?

This isn't my account by the way, someone just let me use it to post one question.
Health Question & Answer

you are a rockin babeHealth Question & Answer

Hey, you looks fine and fabulous...

So long you pass this 2 simple test. You're considered healthy.

If you were to climb a few flight of stairs and it leaves you winded, you probably have to improve your cardiovascular health with routine exercises.

This 2 simple test can gauge your cardiovascular health level:

Test 1:

* Taking a deep breath and timed how long you can hold on your breath.
* If it is more than 45 sec, your lungs are working efficiently.

Test 2:

* Next, check on your resting heart rate.
* Taking your pulse in the morning, once you get out of bed.
* Counting for a full min, if not, count for 30 sec and mutiply by 2.
* Average rate is about 60 to 80 beats per min for women.
* For men, it

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