Will I loose much weight?!

Question: Will I loose much weight.?
I weigh about 200 lbs. I've started eating 1 Special K cereal bar for breakfast, 1/2 apple in the middle of the morning, 1 slice of deli cheese with a few slices of deli meat for lunch, 1/2 apple in the afternoon, and a bowl of Special K with skim milk for dinner. On the weekends I have the bar for breakfast, the cereal for lunch, then I cook a healthy dinner. I also work out 3 times a week. I'm trying to get down to about 130 lbs. Do you think it will take long.?

Oh, also, the only think I drink is water or skim milk, mostly water.Health Question & Answer

Hi Becka

I had quals in nutrition and worked for Weight Watchers for a long time a few years back (not that I fully endorse what they promote!).

My question to you is "Is what you are doing, completely sustainable, ie can you do it day in day out for the rest of your life, or at least 5 days out of 7.?" It doesn't sound like it to me and it sounds like the diet is very lacking in vegetables.

For instance, probably the moderate amount of cheese and meat for lunch is good - protein sates us and keeps us fuller for longer - I would be encouraging a BIG salad with this also - with lots of variety of leaves and vegies. And, a balsamic vinegar dressing or something that is low on fat (thought NO artificial sweetner - this wreaks havoc with our livers.....despite the fact no one will tell us that). Half an avocado is good too!

And, is 130lbs the right weight for your height.? I am 130lbs and 5'5" (or 66 inches or 164cm). This seems to be a good weight for height for me.

Your working out is fantastic and to me, that sounds like it is indeed sustainable. I mean by that that no matter what happens during the week, we can always snatch 30 or 40 minutes somewhere, to fit in some exercise. Whereas, if people excercise EVERYDAY, at some point, there are going to be days that we have to miss because life gets in the way..... whereas 3 times gives you room to move.

I recall you and your husband had started a business.? We were talking video email a few months back.? Does this give you the opportunity to look after yourself.? I ask this because cereal for dinner and no vege causes me to raise my eyebrows a little!! ;-)

Becka, quantity is also the killer - often we eat well and our quantities are askew - how do I know, because that's me!!! And "picking".....

As a Master Coach, I also know that there is always underlying emotional stuff with overeating - many of us have it and it's important that you are addressing the emotional side of weight gain/loss. We have physiological addictions to say, sugar and fat, but we also have mental/emotional stuff. You might be good in this area - but think about this aspect too.

Thanks for sending me this question and I have probably raised more questions than I have answered - I trust it gives you "food for thought" - excuse the pun!

Best wishes

PS How's business.?Health Question & Answer

do this instead its faster and better for you....For a fast easy workout schedule go to http://www.firsttimelifter.com This is the workout I used in high school when I was wrestling. This will help you get into shape if you stick with it. It works almost every muscle in your body. O and after you have all the information you need take a look at the ads or youtube videos cause a mans gotta eat! lol Good luck Health Question & Answer

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