Why does my body want so much water? My doc says I have to drink at least 2 liters a day? Thats quite hard?!

Question: Why does my body want so much water.? My doc says I have to drink at least 2 liters a day.? Thats quite hard.?
I am only 5 foot three. Why does it want so much.? Whats it doing with it all.? If i don't drink two massive pump bottles a day my veins get bigger and my blood pressure goes down and i feel faint. Good god whats its problem.? Why does it need so much.? I am not even exercising majorly. Whats it doing with it all.? Selling it in the desert.?Health Question & Answer

Doctors say that our bodies needs 2-3 ltr of water daily, and water only, not juice or other liquids, so keep on drinking water as much as u can its healthily.Health Question & Answer

hello, i have no idea why but it is healthy to drink a lot of water, it helps your skin, hair, nails, and eyes be healthier too. its hard to drink a lot of water at first, i know that. But 2 liters isn't that much. When i first started working out i did not drink that much water, but now that i work out like 1 or 2 hours a day i drink like 2 gallons of water a day! it just takes time to adjust your body. Just don't drink too much at a time you can hurt your self( like that saying that there is such thing of to much of a good thing) well good luck.

Hey im 5'3 too!!!!!Health Question & Answer

drink less... only drink when you are really need it
veins usually get bigger when you have a lot of sugar...
i used to drink a lot of water when doing mt bike rides and would run out of water on trails that are 8-12 miles so what a friend suggested is to force the body to drink less and now i am down a to two liters from three.Health Question & Answer

Luv! you must need a cleansing, water is the best thing for that. With some of the problems you were having you could have dehydrated. All the water is putting the fluids back into your system. Don't worry you won't drown, luvHealth Question & Answer

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