Kelloggs drop a dress size challenge?!

Question: Kelloggs drop a dress size challenge.?
has anyone ever done this.? just wondering if anyone has actually lost an weight.

it is hard not to constantly snack as I get bored and i just want to make sure i'm not doing al this hard work for nothing. i don't want to weight myself until the end of the 2 weeks. i will be really peeved if i have lost nothing!

i am having cereal for breakfast and luncj and a normal evening meal. yesterday i snacked constantly on fruit as I was soo hungry.

i do feel a bit light headed during the day as i'm used to stuffing my face but come tea time I am absolutely full to the bones.

i feel full up and not hungry on this diet which makes me wonder if i'm actually going to lose anything.

i need to lose a stone altogether but anything is better than nothing. as long as i get back below the 9 stone mark i'll be happy. weighing nearly 10 stone for my height makes me almost obese.Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't trust kellogs when it comes to planning a healthy weight loss diet. An average bowl of kellogs cereal with milk contains 160-180 calories. So for breakfast and lunch you will be consuming 320-360 calories. First of all, there is nothing 'special' about kellogs, even their 'Special K' isn't made of some magical ingredients. You could swap the 2 bowls of cereal for any other food that equates to the same number of calories. You could even have 5 lean slices of bacon for breakfast and another 5 for lunch and you would notice the same results because they contain roughly the same number of calories.

Taking up this diet basically means that kellogs sell more cereal. If you take away the fact that they have dressed up this diet as the 'kellogs drop a dress size challenge', you are left with a reduced calorie diet. Simple. If you want to 'drop a dress size' (a more appealing way of saying 'lose weight'), all you need to do is consume less and move more. However, you can lose too much too soon.

2 bowls of cereal and an average evening meal, lets say that comes to 900 calories, that should equate to just over 2lb weight loss each week. 2lb is the maximum safe amount of weight loss. Beyond 2lb your body will recognise that you are losing fat reserves which our bodies see as energy reserves. Our bodies hate that, so will become super energy efficient (your metabolism will drop), and your body begins to digest muscle to protect the fat. With less muscle, you don't need as many calories, so when you go back to your previous diet, you will put weight back on faster than ever before. You can counteract this by exercising. Aerobic exercise will help lose the weight, but you also need some form of anaerobic exercise to build back some muscle (either some light weights or running). But just 2 bowls of cereal and 1 real meal will leave you feeling very tired and you won't be getting enough protein to build and repair your body after exercise.

Such a low calorie and low substance diet is bound to leave you feeling hungry. A good diet is not one that leaves you craving snacks. Ditch one of the bowls at least, only eat something if you like it. For breakfast, have anything you want (ANYTHING). If you fill your stomach early on in the day you wont want to snack until at least tea time. Have, toast, egg, beans, bacon, sausage AND a muffin if you want, it really should be your biggest meal of the day. By dinner time (if you even feel hungry by then), have something light like a load of fruit or a bowl of cereal. By tea time you might be feeling a bit hungry, have something small but filling such as some pasta or a sandwhich. You don't want to go to bed with a full stomach as that will leave your body with a whole lot of work to do before it can even think about getting some rest. Have around 1500 calories each day for a target weight loss of 1lb each week. You can do some exercise to make up another 0.5-1 lb.

For any weight loss diet you hear about, find out who thought of it and think about why they might have done so.Health Question & Answer

Actually, you don't need to "diet" per se to lose weight, I discovered this at the website in th box below, they have loads of tips, I worked off 5 pounds by following their helpful advice.Health Question & Answer

If you would like to lose weight quick I found one hundered tips on how to lose weight quick here..

hope this helps,Health Question & Answer

It sounds like your only eating 3 meals a day. Try 6 small meals, this should keep your metabolism going. You don't have to feel hungry to lose weight. You just have to eat right and work hard. Eating 500 calories less everyday will cause you to lose 1-2 pounds a week. This is the proper and healthy way to lose weight, if your persistent with this method, no doubt you'll lose that 1 stone and even more.

You can go back to constantly snacking throughout the day, you just need to have your proportions controlled and not overeat. Hopefully this solves your light-headed problem.

Good luck and I hope you successfully meet your goals.Health Question & Answer

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