Ok how bout this msucle building diet!?!

Question: Ok how bout this msucle building diet!.?
so my last diet wasnt a healthy one how bout this for a mass gaining diet.

morning 1 glass of milk1 bowl of weetbix a bannana and 2 raw eggs.
(that about 20 grams of protein)

2nd meal 1 can of tuna
(thats 20 grams of protein)

3rd meal a ham sandwich and a bowl of rice
( thats another 10 rams of protein)

4th meal a protein shake
(thats another 20 grams of protein)

5 th meal 2 raw eggs a glass of milk and an apple

( thats 20 grams of protein)

6th and final meal another protein shake

+ 20 grams

im 70 kilos and do alot of excersise is this a good diet for building muscle.?

oh this diet would only be for 1 day like monday or something.Health Question & Answer

You do realize the major difference between a mass gaining diet and a fat loss diet is that a mass gaining diet has an excess of calories while the fat loss diet has a deficit, right.?

It's not just about getting protein. Carbohydrates are very important. Most importantly, it is physiologically impossible to put on muscle mass without a caloric excess in the diet.

Here's a sample diet:

Breakfast: 3 whole eggs, a bowl of oatmeal, toast, an omega-3 soft chew, a multivitamin, and an orange

Snack: 4 cups of organic fat-free milk, and a large sweet potato

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with fat-free mayonnaise and lettuce on wheat bread

Pre-workout: Scoop of whey protein mixed with water

Post-Workout Meal: 2 scoops of whey protein mixed with water, kool aid, and 2 tablespoons of jelly

Dinner: 8 ounces of chicken, and an assortment of vegetables

Before Bed: Scoop of casein protein mixed with organic fat-free milk, a banana, and 4 tablespoons of organic all natural peanut butterHealth Question & Answer

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