Effective diet & exercise plan?!

Question: Effective diet & exercise plan.?
I'm 5' 4" and 240 lbs. My ideal weight is somewhere between 117 and 146.
Anyways, being as overweight as I am I need a really good diet and exercise plan. If you've had any experience with something like this or know of an effective diet please let me know.
I have an allergy to wheat, barley and rice. I can eat foods containing these items, but if there's a weird diet that consists of mostly/all of one of those ingredients then I can't eat it without something else to balance it (my throat won't close up or anything, I'll just break out with a rash and sometimes get an upset stomach).
Thanks :)
Being rude won't be tolerated for this question, I want serious and helpful answers only.Health Question & Answer

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you'll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn).

Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out http://calorieneedscalculator.com The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.

Don't make all of these changes at once or you won't be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you'll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner's Guide to Dieting - Beginner's Guide to Dieting - http://straightdiet.comHealth Question & Answer

go to http://sparkpeople.com it is free and they give you a list of foods etc or you can add what you actually take in etc along with exercise and a goal plan! It is a great site I have lost 7 lbs so far! I just put in what I eat daily and keep it under the dietitian limit! Health Question & Answer

take 220-your age
so for example
220-16= 204

now times 204x.6= 122.4
not times 204x.7= 142.8

When working out get your heart rate between those two numbers, and thats your ideal HR for weight loss.

also eat lean protein, it'll help curb your diet and it will help replace body fat with muscleHealth Question & Answer

I was about where you are now, just an inch taller. I walk first thing every morning for about 45 minutes. I eat 5 small meals during the day and drink as much water as I can. I've lost almost 65 pounds. use these sites to figure out how much of what you should eat. good luck!Health Question & Answer

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