Has anyone takin L-Glutamine, weightlifting/bodybuildin... 10 points for the best answer?!

Question: Has anyone takin L-Glutamine, weightlifting/bodybuilding.? 10 points for the best answer.?
Im debating taking it as a supplement 5-10g a day, it sounds like it could be beneficial with virtually no side effects, but its benefits havent really been proven. I take a whey protein shake everyday when I lift. I work out a lot, and altho I have been losing weight I dont seem to be gaining as much muscle as I used to. Wondering if anyone has taken it and what they noticed about it in terms of wether it worked, what the side effects were.Health Question & Answer

As far a Glutamine goes, I do take it and think it plays a big role in my recovery from my workouts. I can tell that when I don't take it, I recover slower and have less energy. I would recommend taking 5-10 grams a day or maybe a little higher. Some protein powders have some in it so I would check to see if the one you take has it in it.

As far as your routine goes, it is very hard to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. To lose fat you need to be in a calorie deficit, and to gain muscle you need to be taking in more calories than you are burning.

I would concentrate on one or the other and not both at the same time.Health Question & Answer

There are no side effects to L-Glutmine but it is said to help boost recovery of your immune system after your workout. Working out takes a tole on your immune system this helps. It is said to do other things but if you're taking it don't expect to see and spectacular gains from it.

A couple things about you not gaining as much muscle. Are you varying up your routine.? After a few weeks your body adapts to the work you put on it so you have to change your routine to compensate for that.

Another thing; your body responds quickly when you first begin to lift weights so you gain some muscle right away but as you continue doing it after several months you dont gain as much as you did initially. This is normal.

Just vary it up and keep at it, results will come. And repeating what I said, L-glutamine is a good supp. but don't expect amazing results from it.Health Question & Answer

All latest studies show no effect of glutamine in well nourished people. I used to take it a couple of years ago to go through a plateau phase but no results.
You should reschedule your workout program and think over your intake ( in terms of protein-carbs intake) . You sound like your body has learned your workout better than you and it's used to it.
Give your body a surprise ( workout- and eat-wise) and you will see better resultsHealth Question & Answer

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