Weight question!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

Question: Weight question!!!!!!!!!!!!!.?
my mum is 33 years old and she weights about 66kg. she looks fat and has loadsa stetch marks on her belly and boobs...

what can she do to lose weight and what is the normal weight for a 33 year old.?!

she is 5"4
what should she eat, whenever she diets she eats nothing nd then get's sick etc... so what shud she do!! exercises aswell please.Health Question & Answer

You have to eat to lose weight. In fact, its better to eat pretty frequently- 4 or 5 smaller meals throughout the day- than to eat 3 square meals a day. Here is what I would recommend your mom do:

1) Clean out the pantry and fridge- get rid of all the junk food- cookies, chips, white bread, sodas, etc. Out of sight, out of mind.
2) These foods should be the focus of her diet from now on. Everything else is a treat that can be had in moderation (once or twice a week)

Whole grains - look for 100% whole wheat/whole grain on the labels of breads, pastas, and rice
Veggies - the more, the better
Lean protein - includes baked chicken, tofu, skim milk, lowfat yogurt and cheese, soy, beans, lean beef, natural peanut butter (in moderation) and nuts (in moderation- almonds are a good choice)

As for exercise, start slow. Take a 10 minute walk a few times a week. When that feels easy, keep adding more time/intensity, trying to aim for at least 30 minutes every day. When you exercise, you should be able to carry on a conversation without much trouble, but if you can sing, you are not working hard enough. This is a good test. A heart rate monitor is another way to make sure you are working hard enough. Your maximum heart rate is 220 - age. This is the number you want to hit.

This is really it. Strength training is a good idea as well (there are lots of exercises online that can be done without any equipment), but this can always be added later. I think focusing on diet and cardio is a good start. You can both do it together if you want, a buddy system is great for motivation.

www.webmd.com has some good advice on healthy weight loss. I've used their advice for years and it really works.Health Question & Answer

Its not about fat, its about toning up. This will help her to look thinner, and be healthier. Make sure she eats a balanced diet, and that she does at least 30 minutes of excercise 5 times a week (or 60 minutes 3 times a week). Use weights, do lots of varieties of stretches and i'm sure she'll look better by Christmas. Health Question & Answer

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