Yes or no to protein powder?!

Question: Yes or no to protein powder.?
Alright, I started exercising last week to lose weight. I have one problem tho, I am starving after my workout and throughout the day.

Now, if I drink a glass of protein powder before or after my workout will that help.? also will it change how fast I lose my weight.?

I am not weighing myself and never will during this, because I know that muscle weighs more then fat... so all I need is to see results.

So, yes or no to the protein powder... and if yes, when should I drink it.?

Thank you,
TylerHealth Question & Answer


When losing weight, especially during a caloric deficit, it is important to get plenty of protein so your body doesn't start feeding off of itself. It's also important that you count your calories that way you know what you're supplementing the protein for and if you even need it. Don't let your daily intake drop below 1000-1200 calories a day or you're going to be hungry all of the time and your body is going to go into starvation mode.

Yes for protein, but it isn't the only thing that's going to make you lose weight. You need to do more research if you're going to do it properly. Go to a doctor or a nutritionist to help you construct a healthy diet and exercise plan, not yahoo answers.Health Question & Answer

If you can afford it, then YES it definitely helps weight and muscle gain especially for skinny people or people with fast metabolisms. Protein helps with recovery, not performance, so drink it after the workout. The experts say that muscles are ready to absorb protein for about an hour after the workout, so if you can drink it right after you should be good. If not, that night before you go to bed should be fine, since actual muscle rebuilding happens at night when you're sleeping.Health Question & Answer

protein powder is very healthy, especially for those on a diet. You don't have to drink it before and after your workout - you can drink it in the morning and at nightHealth Question & Answer

noHealth Question & Answer

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