6 months, approx. 35 pounds.... what do you think?!

Question: 6 months, approx. 35 pounds.... what do you think.?
I have 6 months till my wedding and i need to lose at somewhere between 25-35 pounds. what can i do.? with food and exercising and anything and everything! please help! i need to lose it in any way possible. i know that u can eat almost what u want just be sure to work it out and in small quantities. but please help!!Health Question & Answer

6 Months to lose 35 pounds is VERY achievable, but you need dedication. This can't be a one night desire and tommorrow morning eating bacon eggs and hasbrowns.

First, do you need to lose 35 pounds.? I bet you that when you see yourself with just 10 pounds off you will be impressed. Many girls feel like they need to lose more weight than is healthy, and it just isn't true. I'd suggest setting a more short term goal of 5 pounds by the end of October. See how that feels, and readjust from there. I'll bet you look and feel amazing after 15 pounds.

As far as diet and exercise, I could give you a million tips but what really counts is making it a lifelong journey not just a 1 week or 1 month fad. It's been proven over and over that binge dieting does not work in the least, and the girls who binge diet are not healthy looking. You need to commit to not just losing the weight you want but being healthy for the rest of your life. Focus on the process of eating healthy and integrating exercise in to your life rather than the goal of looking like Eva Longoria. Plan on spending 30minutes to an hour a day on some kind of exercise that gets your heart pumping and makes you feel good. I promise you will come to need the exercise and it will not be a burden. Start your healthier nutrition plan by cutting out simple things or changing simple things. Use fat-free ranch instead of regular. Drink fat-free milk. Drink your coffee black. Ask for light cheese or no cheese when you eat out. Commit these small things to habit one at a time and work your way up to a healthy diet.

You can lose up to 2 pounds a week MAXIMUM, although I would reccommend losing less than 1 a week, possibly 3-4 a month. 4 a month for 6 months is 24 pounds. It won't be easy, but if you are motivated you will get there. Stay strong and don't give up.Health Question & Answer

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