Why does someone ask every 5 minutes if there is a quick way to lose weight?!

Question: Why does someone ask every 5 minutes if there is a quick way to lose weight.?
Are people really that gullible.? Has the media corrupted the minds of so many people.?Health Question & Answer

Because almost half of America consists of fat, lazy slobs who don't understand that they are larger because of their lifestyle and would rather make excuses such as 'I can't help it'. To add to it, the media constantly advertises these 'miracle pills' and people buy into it. Nobody understands that fad diets like the Atkins and South Beach only work for a small while and are incredibly unhealthy. They don't understand that you have to actually work to achieve something, not sit in the recliner poppin Hydroxycut pills and watching Oprah.
End RantHealth Question & Answer

Unfortunately, yes. People think thin means healthy and it doesn't. It's quite possible to lose weight and become thin and be very unhealthy. People in America have no patience. Everything on TV is solved in 30-60 minutes, so their weight issue should be taken care of quick. We live in a fast food, quick fix society and still believe in the magic pill that will magically melt off fat.Health Question & Answer

Hydroxycut works if you actually take it right before you run. That's my replacement for thermo stack. I can't buy ephedrine since it's illegal here so guess the ephedrine, asprin, caffine stack is taken away for me.Health Question & Answer

the media has had a infuence on us. But it is not a bad idea to lose weight depending on age and health issuesHealth Question & Answer

Because they want to know. Leave my people alone, You want a piece of me.?Health Question & Answer

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