Is Red Bull good or bad to drink whilst losing weight?!

Question: Is Red Bull good or bad to drink whilst losing weight.?
You are certain to get a variety of answers. My opinion is that Red Bull is for infrequent use, otherwise you consume too much sugar and become addicted to caffeine. If you don't care about these problems, so be it.

I avoid "low carb" or "sugar free" drinks because I trust natural sugar more than lab-created chemicals. I do take a Red Bull or Rockstar (guava juice kind) now and then. The sugar won't kill you (unless you are diabetic), but I advice against drinking these every day.

If you are trying to lose weight, the most important thing to do is to get plenty of vigorous exercise and eat a good balance of foods.Health Question & Answer

Obviously, go with the sugar free.

At that point, you'll still be left with something that won't necessarily PROMOTE weight loss. The caffeine and other ingredients are just as likely to cause hunger, causing you to eat. I know I get very hungry (specifically for snack foods) when I drink energy drinks.

Don't be fooled into thinking that the energy ingredients will increase metabolism. If anything, they will give you a burst of energy to support exercise.Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately, most of the energy drinks/sodas/juices contain lots of things your body can do without.

There is so much sugar in these drinks that this would be a bad idea.

When searching for foods/drinks to have while you are losing weight, look for words with 'ose' at the end. you usually don't need these, and they are basically pure sugar.

Examples: sucralose, glucose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup. These are all bad.

Find pure juices. Don't drink soda, and if IF energy drinks are required, get sugar free, and LOOOWWW in carbs. Another really good tip is to drink about 1/2 gallon of water a day. ALWAYS substitube water for your drink.

In foods, avoid high sodium contents like in potatoes, tomato juice and those types of drinks. If you are looking for a snack, go for something less starchy and high in fat. For example, instead of a rice crispy treat or a bag of chips, eat an apple or some crackers.

MAKE SURE that you aren't just reading the box and buying it because it says 'whole grain' or 'more nutritious' on the front. Read the ingredients! Make sure no sugar was added.

Another tip: If you drink coffee, add splenda instead of sugar.

Good luck with everything and remember to reduce your sugar intake slowly instead of just going cold turkey. The more sugar you eat, the more you'll want. If you gradually eat less sugar, you will want less.

(omg, ok -- really the last one, I promise) one more thing:
Only eat small servings throughout the day. Don't eat 3 big meals like normal. This expands your stomach.Health Question & Answer

Red Bull is an energy supplement, not a diet drink. It is packed with caffeine and sugar (or other sweetner). The benefit of caffeine and weight loss is a long running debate. It will give you short term energy that could make your workouts more intense, so in that way yes it could help you lose weight. But if you are not exercising and only looking for a "diet", its not a good choice.Health Question & Answer

Bad, because the sugared version gets a large portion of it's calories from sugar, and the sugar-free is high in sodium.

Remember, these are energy drinks, not diet drinks. Special K Protein Water might be an alternative...

Health Question & Answer

Read the ingredients list and compare it to anti freeze and ask yourself if it is healthy to drink .? Health Question & Answer

Bad, unless you go for sugar free but it stil has caloriesHealth Question & Answer

Just remeber red bull does not give you wings!!
Health Question & Answer

if you want to lose weight drink water onlyHealth Question & Answer

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