I'm 5'10 1/2 and weigh 126. how long would it take to drop to 119 if I dieted?!

Question: I'm 5'10 1/2 and weigh 126. how long would it take to drop to 119 if I dieted.?
I am 16 years old.
I would eat toast and a boiled egg and water for breakfast, a sandwhich, half an apple and organic chips and water for lunch, organic chips and fruit for a snack, and grilled chicken for dinner.Health Question & Answer

id say not long. probably a month or two. But u really dont need to drop the weight. Health Question & Answer

Ummm...not very long. It's called 'death'.

Trust me. I've been there, a millimeter from death. It's not a place you want to go, trust me. I'm a year younger than you, and I can tell you. Don't do it.

Imagine being in a hospital for 6. LONG. MONTHS. One single solitary room, all to yourself. You're never left alone in the room (which, by the way, seems to get smaller and smaller every day), because everyone's afraid you'll kill yourself. You can't even get CHANGED without having someone in the room. A nurse follows you into the bathroom to make sure you don't try to drown yourself with the toilet.

Oh, did I mention you're hooked up to dozens of wires, monitering your body functions, to make sure you're still alive.? And that, instead of having normal food, you get nutrients through a FOOD TUBE.? Fun, isn't it.?

Oh, yeah. I forgot. No phone calls from friends, boyfriends, or any family members besides your parents. No mirrors. And you've got this fabulous stuff called lanugo all over you- it's this white fuzzy hair that covers your entire body, in an attempt to keep it warm. Yeah, it's really glamorous, isn't it.? No books or movies or TV shows unless they're animated, for fear they might influence me someone to starve myself further.It's a great life, really it is. No [good] company, no privacy, absolutely NOTHING to do, hating yourself every second of the day....good times...NOT.

You're already extremely underweight. You know that, right.? Your BMI is 17.8. That's not only underweight, that's SICK. You probably look like a war refugee right now. Even if you were 100% fat (which is impossible, because you can't have more than 50%), there is no doubt in my mind that you'd still be skinny. If you diet, it's a personal insult to me, who WAS anorexic, am now *recovered*. Don't be an idiot, please. Go show this question to your mom. Right now. I don't care if it feels awkward, just DO IT.Health Question & Answer

According to your height, you are already BELOW the healthy weight. If you care about your health, you should stop trying to lose weight now.Health Question & Answer

you probably don't need to loose much weight. you are tall and fairly light to start with.....Health Question & Answer

you eat so little..are you okay.?Health Question & Answer

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