Cardio for 1.5 hours plus 5 mins of crunches: Will I be able to have a flat stomach by the end of the month?!

Question: Cardio for 1.5 hours plus 5 mins of crunches: Will I be able to have a flat stomach by the end of the month.?
My measurements are 38.5 inches (chest), 30 inches (waist) and 36 inches (hips).
I am about 5'4 and weigh 121.5 lbs at my lowest in the morning.
I want to weigh between 110 - 115 lbs for halloween to confidently wear my sort of sexy outfit. I have nearly a month to fit into this costume and would be extremely pleased with 115 lbs so that is my goal. To date I have lost 30 pounds already by doing tons of cardio, and sometimes incorporating crunches and arm exercises (I carry weight on my stomach, back area and the back of my upper arms). My stomach is close to being flat but I've got fat on the very bottom part and my back needs some definite toning aswell. The entire middle is my worst enemy when it comes to becoming thin.
If I continue my cardio which lasts in total for an hour and a half and add crunches - 5 minutes a day - into the mix will I be able to have a flat stomach by the end of the month.? Any tips or advice, even opinions appreciated.

P.s. I am a sensible woman and I know what is too skinny, no need to waste time leaving messages about being concerned about me. I am only striving for a flat stomach not an anorexic ribcage.

also considering my goal weight and my above listed measurements what do you think my goal measurements might be.?

Annnnddd... I also already eat well. Diet isn't my concern it's exercise. Still any tips may help since I may have looked past something. :)


Kathy xo
Health Question & Answer

You have a rather ambitious cardio regimen, but your ab routine is severely lacking. Here's how to improve it.

1. Don't do abs for a set time. Instead, do 4 sets per exercise. Alternate endurance days (each set is 2 minutes long and you do as many as you can) and strength days (add enough weight to make 15 reps [per set] difficult).

2. Don't waste your time with crunches. They only work the top two abs. Instead, you need to work on your upper, middle, lower, and side (oblique) abs. There are literally over 100 different ways to work your abs. When you do so, do about 2 exercises (four sets each) for your obliques and lower abs, with 3-4 exercises (4 sets each) that engage your upper/middle/lower abs (incline sit-ups, sit-ups, twist sit-ups, bicycle sit-ups, V sit-ups, etc.).

This will give you a fabulous stomach in no time. I've done it, and it's just great. Don't forget to workout your lower back, and while you're at it, you may as well start doing some weight training with this. Some women are afraid of bulking up, but don't be (I was a bodybuilder TRYING to bulk up and have great genes to do so, and even I didn't bulk up). This way, you aren't going to be "skinny fat," where you're thin but flabby, and instead will have a great, toned body to really look great.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i would add in some weight lifting . . . this will definitely help with your ongoing weight loss. also, lifting weight burns as much calories as aerobic activitiesHealth Question & Answer

I found a site that helped me finally lose weight and really firmed up my abs.

hopefully this will help you ! Health Question & Answer

Any working out is good. This may be total bull but I read that if you stand on one leg whilst brushing your teeth and then alternate feet each day, you'll get a flat stomach. Hmm.
But remember to do reverse crunches as well, they target the lower abs whilst crunches only target the upper abs.Health Question & Answer

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