Why is it that when I work out for over a week I get sick?!

Question: Why is it that when I work out for over a week I get sick.?
I can't stick to a fitness routine very well because I get sick if I stick to it for more than 7 days. So I finally get my tonsils out and start some vitamins and FINALLY decide that I need to TRY to get into shape and start workout again. Same thing this time I've worked out for 7 days with 1 day off and 1 day just light stretching and BOOM out of the blue I get a runny nose and a raspy chest and I feel feverish, but I have no fever yet. So now I'm low on energy to keep on, but I'm so determined I want to push thru it. Is this common.? Is there a name for this happening.? I'm so frustrated and I really want to tone up and loose some weight. :( Any advice.?Health Question & Answer

If you work out to hard for your personal level of fitness, then your body goes into shock. Take it easy! Start with a walk around your whole neighbor hood twice a week for two weeks. Then move onto jogging around your neighbor hood twice a week for two weeks. Then jog for two days out of the week and running a very slow run for one day out of the week. Keep building it up.

It is very common. Your body probably just isn't used to a very high level of fitness and it is letting you know. Start out slow, a few times a week, then move onto bigger and better workouts. Don't push yourself to hard, because your body will take it the wrong way.

I guess you could call it over working your self. Health Question & Answer

Try exercising just 3 days a week e.g. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. also, don't exercise if you are already feeling sick as it can lower your immune system which is probably what is causing you to get sick. But have days off in between each day of exercisingHealth Question & Answer

make sure you're giving your body enough time to recuperate. You need to rest at least one day a week. you need to eat enough to replenish calories, and drink enough water to stay hydrated. Make sure you don't deprive yourself of sleep.Health Question & Answer

Exhaustion lowers your bodies defenses.

You can do something that isn't so heavy on your body but still burns fat for example taking daily walks, or give your body plenty of rest in between (ie not working out every day).Health Question & Answer

Getting the proper nutrition is extremely important. If you are getting sick I would re-evaluate your diet to make sure you are getting enough to eat. eating healthy you can workout harder!! WITH OUT GETTING SICKHealth Question & Answer

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