Calories. im 15 and need some help?!

Question: Calories. im 15 and need some help.?
What will happen.?calories a day.?
iv started eating 3 rice cakes a day with only 35calories. plain.
and water will i loose weight.?
im around 120 pounds but my stomache is getting big from my soda intake almost a muffin top no joke i drink to much soda so im stopping and try to get over the cafeine headaches.

im not doing it for long term. but im afraid of gaining more weight and fluff in my legs and tummy cause i was 107 now around 120 in 5 months
and my height has stayed the same 5'2 and im 15
im now being home schooled and doing highschool online and i want a tred mill, i have one but no safety key if anyone wants to donate one and lives in dallas tx area that would be great! knowing my parents are not ever going to help atall with me excersing nore have the desire to even care about how i eat all they buy is junk food, and they are both fat parents. and my mom believes in atkins but i dont. its stupid and it takes to long and there are risk. i just need excersize but i was wondering if i would loose the weight i want off this way atall.? i want it gone now and then ill start the rest of my life plan with 2000 cal. or what ever i need.
if anyone can think of a plan for me it would be great.

i dont want to wait till its to late and im obese, i want to loose this weight and the then start eating right and excersing like i use to.
i dont have alot to loose but i need to get it off and not let it get worse any longerHealth Question & Answer

I currently have the same problem. I am 21, 235 pounds, 6 foot 1 and like you said, just a muffin top. I feel that I am addicted to soda. First of all, the best thing to do is to consult a Doctor before you decide to go on any diet or training, especially at your age. Second, you shouldn't stop any current food intake suddenly. Your body will go crazy and possibly make you sick. Just lower your portions of what you eat until you have stopped eating them in a two week period. Replace what you drink with water or Gatoraide. Stay away from any carbonated drinks and most juices. Even Koolaid has a high sugar content if you use the recommended amount of sugar. Personally, I skip dinner 3-4 times a week and replace it with cereal or a glass of milk with graham crackers. If you eat a heavy dinner, your body will have to digest in your sleep and that is not good. No late night snacks either. GOOD LUCK!

P.S. Consult a Doctor before doing ANYTHING.Health Question & Answer

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