Need help to lose weight + motivation?!

Question: Need help to lose weight + motivation.?
I want to make my diet healthier but i have a large appetite and im constantly hungry. So i always seem to be eating and when i get home i snack on junk food. How can i fill myself up/ get the motivation to now eat bad food!!!!!Health Question & Answer

Well, one thing you can do is have healthy options in the house. That way when you reach for a snack, you'll at least be eating something that provides nutrients:

Healthy snacks to eat on the run:

1)Fiber One bars (delicious, especially the chocolate and oats)
2)Kashi TLC Trailmix bars (my personal favorites)
3)Gnu Bars (have 12 grams of fiber in each one!)
4)handful of almonds or walnuts or pistachio nuts (already shelled, of course)
5)an apple cored and quartered and a little bit of peanut butter in a plastic container to dip it in.
6)grapes, or a box of raisins
7)string cheese or a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, or an ounce of a hard cheese
8)low-fat popcorn in a baggie
9)baby carrots and a little hummus (in a plastic container)
10) a couple of those "Ones Prunes". They're delicious!
11)dried fruit
12)whole-grain pretzels
13)whole-grain crackers w/ peanut butter or cheese
14)some cream cheese smeared on luncheon meat and then rolled up like a cigar
15)a piece of dark chocolate

Another thing you can do is make a list of volume foods for those times when you know that you're in the mood to eat. For example, I frequently chow down on no-oil popcorn, which takes a long time to eat and satisfies that urge. Sometimes I'll get in a rut of making huge salads for dinner every night for a week, with lettuce, cabbage, onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes, 1/4 cup beans (black, garbanzo, red kidney) , and a can of tuna. I just love all that crunch! I use one tablespoon (because it's high in calories but healthy fat) of olive oil mixed with about 4 tablespoons of basalmic vinegar and 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard for my dressing. Mix it up real good and chow down! That takes a long time to eat. Sometimes I'll substitute chicken for tuna or use more beans but no meat. So, my point is, when you know that you just have to eat some volume, have some options in your head that are still healthy and relatively low caloric. Oh...I also like to make a big pot of delicious, low-calorie vegetable soup and feel like I can eat to my heart's content on that!

Drinking lots of water can help fill you up. Try drinking a glass of ice water every hour. Or, if you have the urge to eat, drink a tall glass of ice water and tell yourself you have to wait 20 minutes to eat, and see if you're still hungry then.

Eating foods high in protein and fiber help fill you up and keep you full longer. You might want to try that. The page below can help with the fiber part. Hope that helps!Health Question & Answer

I know it's easier said than done but try snack on fruit rather than junk food, I used to be like you but once you get used to it and set your mind to it you'll be alright. I eat healthy mon - fri then at the weekend I treat myself, but in moderation. I always count all the calories I eat, I find that helps me keep track, I allow myself to 1200-1300 calories a day, oh and don't eat before bed. Try skipping as well, ooh or DVD workouts, I do these things because I can't afford the gym, but skipping is meant to be one of the best exercises for us! Oh and lots of water is good for you too...and veggies! All in all eat regularly but small portions, and don't skip breakfast...I'm babbling now haha, hope this helps! Health Question & Answer

dont eat all the pies lolHealth Question & Answer

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