What are some good low-carb options from chain restaurants?!

Question: What are some good low-carb options from chain restaurants.?
We've been having training meetings at my office for about a month now, and i'm responsible for getting lunch every day for about 10-12 people including executives and senior management.

At first it was all fun letting them decide what to eat on the company's dime, but now they've all gained weight and want me to start getting fresher, healthier items - most of them requesting low-carb stuff. And they want me to choose what they'll all be having (wtf, right.?)

I work in Los Angeles, so really anything is available. What kind of food should I get these people.?!Health Question & Answer

Their problem is that they're relying on someone else to deal with their food. They're asking for "low-carb" but they're saying that because it's cute and trendy. Whatever.

Instead of going out to a bunch of fun places, start looking for healthy restaurants that focus on whole foods. I know that there are vegetarian and vegan restaurants available to you, so you can give that a try for starters. End the meeting by handing out a print out of healthy places in the local area. Ask each person at the meeting to circle all the restaurants they are interested in and return the paper to you the next day (or email you the list, whichever is easier). This way, they can have their input but won't feel like they're stepping on toes (people are so stupid like that...they love having an opinion but hate sharing it). Health Question & Answer

Most chain restaurants have healthy sections on their menus. Try looking there. I think the real problem is that everyone at your meeting every day is probably eating too much if you are getting lunch from a restaurant every day. I would suggest that if people are concerned about gaining weight they should brown bag lunch every day. Because of some health issues I try to avoid certain foods. I generally take lunch to work every day even on days when the company is providing lunch.Health Question & Answer

its most likely not the carbs, its the amount consumed, and how many calories taken in. most meals consist of carbs and protein with vitamins etc. im guessing, chinese food, burgers, fries is what is normally served.? try subway, where u can see how many calories your taking in. also salads with low saturated fats, try fruit medleys. a snack of vegetables and low fat dip. also, tell them to get water instead of soda, coffee, or teas. if you can, use the company's money to buy groceries to make them something. just try to avoid breads, rice, noodles, or potatoes etc. Health Question & Answer

Plain, unbreaded meats with veggies and/or fruits. Try to go for extra greens rather than potatoes.
# Salads as meals are healthy and often affordable. You can also order a sandwich but ask for the contents to be placed on greens as salad toppers.
# Get a burger or other sandwich without the bun... you can also have a salad on the side!
# Take advantage of the "breakfast all day" places by ordering eggs all day, like omelettes with vegetables (spinach, peppers, etc.) perhaps with a bowl of fruit on the side rather than hash browns. Health Question & Answer

The formula for losing weight is not difficult - consume less and workout more - the problems arise when we really try to put that into operation! There are a lot of temptations in the big wide world aren't there.?! I learned some excellent advice by checking out the website in the box below, they have a lot of tips, I worked off 9 pounds by following their helpful advice.Health Question & Answer

Salads with grilled chicken, salmon and veggies, anything not fried that has whole grains and veggies with lean protein are great options along with fruit salads and yogurts. Or you can google this question and come up with a solution. A good caterer may be a great option as well.Health Question & Answer

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