Is there a way to naturally raise your metabolism?!

Question: Is there a way to naturally raise your metabolism.?
So I know that if you don't eat, you can lower your metabolism, but can you raise it.? If so how.? By eating.?

Thanks!!Health Question & Answer

1. Get up and get out: Exercise is one of the most important energy boosters there is. Living the life of a couch potato lowers your energy levels. Your heart and lungs do not work as efficiently supplying less oxygen to the cells. Oxygen is a key component in cell metabolism and less oxygen means a slower metabolism. As your metabolism drops you burn fewer calories and gain weight. A slow metabolism will also cause you to feel fatigued and run down.

Exercise can reverse this energy drain. It increases cardiovascular efficiency, pumping more blood through the body and therefore greater amounts of oxygen, increasing the metabolic efficiency of the cells and the body as a whole.

2. Boost your breakfast: Most people make the mistake of either not eating breakfast or if they do it consists of a big cup of coffee and some sort of sugar filled sweet roll. While it satisfies the taste buds it long term energy output is minimal. Once the caffeine wears off and your blood sugar drops you

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