Hi,I need a but of help,I want a plan to get a better body?!

Question: Hi,I need a but of help,I want a plan to get a better body.?
I don't wanna juts lose weight i want to look better,and feel better with myself.I am the kind of perfectionist (OCD)so i want to know how to do this healthy.Because people with OCD tend to go to anorexia,but that just disgusts me.I know i am not a stick figure.And i don't want to be.I have a but and i like it so lets get this right.Because of stress ive been gaining weight on my tummy.And now that the stress is over the effect there.I want to know has anyone here have a diet plan so i can lose weight on my stomach,and thighs while losing overall weight.Without gaining it all back.plus some.?

Like how many cals i should eat ect,And rules i should follow,.my metabolism rate is 1450Health Question & Answer

OK, here we go.

- The next two statements will be about food, just so bad dieting doesn't compound the problem....

- Cut back on red meat, packaged snacks (trans fat), white starches, baked goods such as cookies and cakes, and fried foods. That isn't to say that you can never eat them, but limit your intake considerably.

- Get more protein and less carbohydrates. Fish is great, as are legumes and beams. DO eat carbs though. Get them from whole wheat bread, and whole grain starches (no refined white starch).

- If stress is making you gain weight, learn to chill out. Meditate, pray, find some sort of spiritual guidance. If you don't want to do that, just take some time to take deep breaths and slowly think about situations that are stressing you out.

- The weight isn't just going to leave. You're going to have to work it off. Do cardio workouts (30 min a day, at least four days a week) and some light weight training. This should burn fat effectively.

- also, just in case, never let stress make you skip meals. Always eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When you don't eat, you go into starvation mode, and your body stores fat. You'll actually get bigger.

- There are a bunch of online calculators you can use to determine how many calories you should get. Just use them, then eat the calories they tell you.

Good Luck!!Health Question & Answer

Targetted weight loss is quite difficult, some would declare impossible, however I lost a couple of inches from my thighs by following the instruction on the site in the box below. Give it a try, their information is very down to earth!Health Question & Answer

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