Does toning up your tummy muscles burn more fat? ?!

Question: Does toning up your tummy muscles burn more fat.? .?
I've heard that if you get a bit of muscle on your tummy (by doing sit-ups, crunches, etc) the muscles will burn away fat on you stomach easier. Is it true.? Health Question & Answer

Muscle metabolizes more fat anywhere and everywhere on one's body. When you talk about your abdominals, you're talking about a large part of what is called your "core," and you *always* want the strongest possible core you can possibly get.

I was born with a congenital condition that was asymptomatic for over 25 years, but up until that time, I had some serious muscle tone going -- especially in my core. Since then, and partly thanks to a badly botched surgery, I've lost much of the stability that I *had* in my core. It's extremely noticeable to me now, and it makes doing so many things far more difficult. I never really appreciated what my muscle tone did for me -- until now.

So the short answer is yes. Toning up your tummy muscles will help you burn more fat in the long run! Crunches and sit-ups are good, but you might want to Google something called the "Bender Ball." If you like to dance, look up a set of DVDs called "Core Rhythms." I'm just starting to use "Core Rhythms" in order to get my core back in shape again!

Best of luck to you!
~Namaste~Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. When your body burns fat, it does so consistently across your entire fat supply. It is true that having more muscle mass will help you burn fat more quickly, but you can't "spot tone." To reduce tummy fat, you need to reduce ALL fat. A combination of stomach toning exercises and cardio (and more cardio and more cardio and more cardio to burn fat) is the way to get that stomach you want. Health Question & Answer

You canNOT 'spot reduce' fat.

ANY muscle burns more fat at rest, not just tummy muscles.

Don't FOCUS on one body part because you lose fat from head to toe, you canNOT 'only' lose tummy fat or 'only' lose fat from your butt...

Just focus on being healthy from HEAD TO TOE and that will do you much more good then focusing on ONE spot when it doesn't do anything but bulk up that area...Health Question & Answer


The more muscle mass you have, the easier it is to burn fat. Crunches will you get the muscles around your stomach leaner, but keep in mind that you need to do overall cadio (like running, bike, etc...) and make sure you don't eat too many carbohydrates late at night.

Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

Yes, muscle burns fat, your body will be able to burn more fat at a higher rate of speed if you gain more muscle tone where you would like to loose wait. also muscle toning and working out with wight balls will burn up to 450% more calories than cardio work outs alone.Health Question & Answer

well yes. You need fat in order to gain muscle remember that. Therefore if you have fat on your tummy, you will more likely to gain more muscles by burning the fat.Health Question & Answer

Of course. Any exercise you do will burn fat. Sit ups will help you get abs and it will burn off stomach fat. Health Question & Answer

If you want to tone up yourr abs , you must find the right program, get the free report from this site I found !

good luckHealth Question & Answer

aerobicsHealth Question & Answer

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