What are some low key ways to tone up your body?!

Question: What are some low key ways to tone up your body.?
I am slightly overweight by 20 pounds or so. It does not present any obvious problems in my life (besides my high cholesterol according to my doctor) I am not skinny nor fat.

I was trying on clothes in the store yesterday and I took a good look at myself and I was pleased with what I saw but I need to tone up and make my stomach a little flatter.

I know part of this includes weight loss but I'm not at a point in my life where I can commit to serious weight loss. I want to gradually change my lifestyle and lose a few pounds over time but it's not a huge priority for me. As long as I can maintain what I have and improve on that. Is it possible and how.?Health Question & Answer

I call this the "non diet" diet. These are simple changes that you can make that will lead to big rewards over time:
1) Weigh yourself once a week, at approx. the same time, wearing approx. the same thing.
2) Try to make the healthiest choices possible when choosing food. For example, choose brown rice over white rice. Choose whole-grained bread over white bread, etc.
3) Eat half of your normal portion at each meal.
4) Never skip breakfast as it wakes up your metabolism and gets it working for the day.
5) Only allow yourself one sweet on Saturday and one on Sunday (unless it's a special occasion like a birthday).
6) Drink mostly water and plenty of it. Save sweet drinks for special occasions. Limit soda-even diet. Skim milk is excellent!
7) Try to hit all the major food groups when choosing your food: lean protein, veggies, fruits, whole-grains, low-fat dairy.
8) Be more active. Ride your bike, take a walk, put on some good tunes and dance, jump rope, etc. Try to do something that leaves you huffing and puffing for 30 minutes each day.

You can find some good target exercises here that you can do at home, without special equipment:
Good luck!

Health Question & Answer

Targetted weight reduction is quite tough, some would declare impossible, nevertheless I melted away a couple of inches from my waistline by following the guidance on the site in the box below. Give it a try, their information is very down to earth!Health Question & Answer

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