Why am i finding is hard to lose weight?!

Question: Why am i finding is hard to lose weight.?
Hey i've been trying to lose weight for awhile now and i don't seem to be losing much i am walking jogging and doing other workouts dose anyone have any ideas.?Health Question & Answer

It depends on the details, like how long is your "while" and what you are eating, how long you are exercising and how heavy you are.

More fat you got to lose, faster and easier you see the result.

also, even if you exercise daily, if you are only doing it for 15min and eating too much, then it obviously won't deliver the result.

Basically, you need to be using up more calories than you are eating.

So work out calories of everything that goes into your mouth, and then work out calories spent by BMR and exercise.

I don't want to be anal, so I work out "estimate" calories and then just go for a jog for 30min every night because that's how long I can afford to spend each night.

Biggest Loser Calorie Counter gives you good idea of what food costs(calorie wise), it even has calories for take away foods and alcohols.

I keep my calories 1200-1500. I'm 154cm 54kg which means I'm within my healthy range, but my aim is 48kg.
Because I'm not "fat", I find it hard to lose weight but I look at it as a life style change, rather than short term "diet".

I have my difficult days, because I actually loooove sweets and junk foods, but I'm still trying hard!

good luck with your research!Health Question & Answer

How old are you.?
I just lost 13 sizes, buy going to the gyn and i do 50 to 45 minutes of cardio, (power walks) and then i lift weights for another hour. I do it 5 days per week. all my friends are shocked on how i lost so much weight and i have became very very fit.
I eat mostly proteine and veges, and i have breakfast ( lots of eggs and weat bread, and juice and i stop drinking wine and eating deserts.
I eat more yogurt now. and fruits.Health Question & Answer

More info needed ...what food are you eating .?.?Health Question & Answer

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