What can I do to stop over eating right before bed?!

Question: What can I do to stop over eating right before bed.?
I do so good eating healthy during the day and staying within my calorie limit. But right before bed, eating less catches up with me and I down 500 calorie or more and ruin the whole day. What tips do you have for stopping this.? Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Oprah's guy Bob Greene says to give yourself a cut off time. Say you go to bed at 11pm then your cut off time for not eating past this time would be 7:30 or 8 so that you have time to digest your food before going to bed. I've also read that is ok to go to bed a little hungry eventually that will go away b/c your body will have gotten used to this. You could also try drinking water a little before going to bed to fill up your stomach it sounds weird but it does work. Drink the water slowly & when your done wait about 10 minutes you should notice that your need to eat something is gone. If plain water isn't your thing you can always try naturally flavored water (slices of citrus, mint, cucumber). If your craving a sweet try eating a mini piece of chocolate like a Hershey kiss a little bit of milk, if it's crunch you want try some almonds, if you like both combine both some mini m&m's with almonds just about a handful should do the trick. I hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

If you are going to eat 500 Calories before bed then eat 500 Calories less during the dayHealth Question & Answer

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