What are some exercis i can use to lose fat on my thighs?!

Question: What are some exercis i can use to lose fat on my thighs.?
You can't "spot reduce" your weight. It comes off by controlling what you eat so that it's not more than you burn by exercising and just being alive.

To increase what you burn, do cardio for at least 30 minutes a day 3 times a week, longer if you can, and hard enough that you sweat and can't hold a conversation with the person next to you. If you can talk on your cell phone while on the treadmill, then you're not walking or running hard enough (just as an example).

Good luck. If you still need help, get a personal trainer... most gyms have them.Health Question & Answer

Cardio is the only type of exercise that burns fat as a fuel,

theres no special exercise to localize fat loss! just do heaps of running

you may want to tone up the muscles with some squats and lunges

(get a program written up from a personal trainer)Health Question & Answer

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