What's with the hate with being overweight?!

Question: What's with the hate with being overweight.?
People are being so mean to people who are a little heavy. Not everyone, but I've just noticed it a lot more.

I saw this girl crying in Nordstrum because they couldn't fit into a size 0. I'm a zero and I had to get it tailored to fit. I just felt so awful some people pressure themselves to be thin. And then there's this crazy thing on youtube called a "thinspo" which are pictures of grotesquely thin girls that are supposed to be inspiration to be thin. Health Question & Answer

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The media has literally brainwashed today's youth into thinking anything over a size 00 is unhealthy and fat. Since the magazines and celebrities are all about "thin and beautiful", and this is what young girls see, they imitate it. They think looking like these people will make them cool and popular, and others will love them too. Their self-worth is entirely based on how they look.

Instead of aiming to be healthy, (which would naturally place one at their ideal weight), people are chasing an unrealistic vision of themselves, and sadly, many almost kill themselves trying.Health Question & Answer

Its unhealthy, and its very cruel. Overweight people are pressured to look skinny, or they feel self-centered. Overally thin girls aren't as attractive, and they are the most unhealthiest group of girls that I encounter sometimes in my life.

Both of these groups have it bad because they feel of the self-centered ness that they feel about themselves, not looking attractive or thin enough. They end up being obies (sp.?) or they end cutting their skins up.

People are beautiful in many different ways. Be proud of yourselves and don't be afraid to eat enough.Health Question & Answer

First of all, if it's an unhealthy overweight then that's just dumb on the persons part. I don't care how stubborn someone might be, or how much they don't want to change because their own pride shouldn't be toppled, people need to take care of themselves better.

And to be honest, it frustrates me when I see people blaming their family due to "genetics." Only a certain amount can be blamed on genetics.

also, some of us actually work hard to keep our bodies rockin. That might sound harsh, but whatever; these people need a wake up call.

And then it's so funny when you see them go on TV because they always say things like "My parents hated me," or "I wasn't loved enough," or "It was like I had an empty void in myself... and filling up with food seemed like the only way to fix it."

Anorexia is unattractive... but so is a porker/ heifer.

Crucially honest. :]

And I don't mean you *have* to be a size zero. That's retarded. I don't mean bone skinny... I mean be healthy. If you're healthy, you're fine.Health Question & Answer

Not to be mean, but girls usually look better with "a little meat on their bones."

Hopefully one day that girl will realize she's beautiful.

But anyway, thin girls are nice looking too. Not when they are unhealthy thin, or anorexic thin, but when they are "healthy and actually eats but has a fast metabolism or something like that" thin.

lol does that make sense.?Health Question & Answer

its because they dont want ppl to think as them as fat like me im like normal in my weight so my sister would be saying no i dont want to sleep on the bottom bunk since the bottom is bigger than the top so she sed if she falls she kills me. and i weight 100 and im 12Health Question & Answer

People pick on anyone that's different; you really can do nothing about it...i guess it's just the way it is and always been...hopefully, will not always BE.Health Question & Answer

its good to be thin, but come on, no one can be perfect in the world. just because a person is few lbs over then what they suppose to be.Health Question & Answer

im a little overweight even though ima guy people make fun of me sometimes but if you laugh with them it kinda pisses them off because they just wanna get t you and i dont let themHealth Question & Answer

I don't know why they would do that either its not nice and by doing that you make them feel even worse and probably cause them to go into a depression state where they could eat more

http://mytotalfitness.blogspot.com/Health Question & Answer

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