Is this healthy with weight loss?!

Question: Is this healthy with weight loss.?
I'm about 35 lbs. over weight, due to two back to back pregnancies, but my youngest is now over a year, so the weight needs to go. I have been religiously working out for the last 7-8 weeks and have lost a total of about 10 pounds. While I'm thrilled, I am concerned I lost the majority of that up front. And I always lose between .6-1.2 pounds in a week. I have begun a weight program to help control the portions I eat--it's just like weight watchers. I am only allowed 19 pts. per day, and in just 4 days I have lost 3.5 pounds. Is this healthy.?

By the way my workouts consist of: Riding bikes for 3.5 Miles 3x per week, 20 Minutes with 5 pound medicine ball 3x per week, and 20 minutes of big workout ball 3x per week. also, on most Sundays if my husband can watch our kids for me I'll walk/job about a mile. I know running is key, but I don't really have time to run while taking care of my two kids all day.

Health Question & Answer

Often, new dieters lose a large amount of weight when beginning a new diet, but usually 80% or so of that weight is just water weight. Then weightloss stalls and they become frustrated.

The best way to lose weight is through diet. Exercise is great, but if your metabolism outside of the gym is slow (from eating the wrong foods) you will never really lose weight despite the greatest workout program ever. also...calorie restriction meal plans are never effective for permanent weight loss.

If I were you I would incorporate some weight training into your routine..even some dumbbells that you can get at Walmart and use at home. Resistance training is the key to weight loss despite popular myths out there that it makes women bukly and manly. This simply isnt the case.

If you would like some free workouts and diet advice check out my website. http://www.the6packsecret.comHealth Question & Answer

No it is not. You should be losing MAX 3 pounds a week. your over working your self, sweety. Maybe eat alittle more and work out the same or vice versa. Health Question & Answer

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