Can someone help me with my daily diet and exercise pleaseee?!

Question: Can someone help me with my daily diet and exercise pleaseee.?
ok im gona get married in like 5 months and ive gained soooo much weight im 5'8'' and 160 lbs i am 20 lbs overweight...... i haveee to loose weight before i get married so can someone please help me by telling me what my diet should be and what exercisez i should do....... i dont go to the gym so can you tell me exercisez i can do at home.? i dont know what diet i should start and what to eat and what not too eat besides junk food......... im really stressing out so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee helppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!... and i actually need someone to tell me what i should eat all day....... for breakfast, lunch n dinner n snacks in btw i hope someone can understand my situation and help me thank you!Health Question & Answer

First of all, STOP STRESSING!!!
Stress contributes to weight gain. Just take a deep breath and read along.
Diet-wise, you want to still eat full, healthy meals. Do not skip meals in hope of gaining weight because it doesn't necessarily work that way. You want to eat smaller portions of food when you eat. Make sure you are getting enough fiber (which will help you clean out your digestive tract-thus better digestion, more weight loss). Make sure you eat 3 small meals a day, and taht you do not skip because eating food actually jump starts your metabolism. But when you eat less, there is less that your metabolic system has to work to metabolize. Just don't starve yourself. In breakfast, cover the areas of fruit, and a whole grain food, such as toast, bagel, or cereal. Lunch, basically the same, fruit, fiber, and get protein, this could be beans(good!) or a lean meat such as ham. I would suggest ham sandwich. Do not put mayonnaise on it though! Avoid as much fat as you can. also, try and eat a light salad, possibly with light dressing. Toppings such as cherry tomatoes and cucumbers are allowed, but cut out dairy like cheese or croutons and bacon on top of your salad. Those are excessive calories and too much fat.
In dinner, go for fiber, once again. you can look up what's good here---<>, that has a lot of fiber and is healthy. Eat dark, leafy greens, such as spinach! prepare it in whatever way you desire. also, try to eat fish at least 2-3 times a week for dinner. no deep-fried fish or beer-battered.

also, NO FAST FOOD. Cut out all junk food. No soda (carbonated beverages). No alcoholic beverages, except for an occasional glass of red wine for dinner. No candy.

also, drink plenty of water throughout the day. Not only can water be beneficial to your health, it will also help you when you exercise.

THE SIMPLEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT IS TO BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. this is the general outline to what you should follow for the next 4-5 months. The diet that i suggested should limit your calories, and then exercising will greatly help with the burning of fat and calories.

Manage to exercise everyday! Walking around the block won't cut it. I know you probably have a job and friends, your fiance, and other hobbies, etc. but you should be able to fit your exercises into 30 minutes to 1 hour. You wanna break a sweat. However, you first week of exercising will be losing water weight, which is good! you will see a loss of up to 10 lbs if you exercise correctly in the 1st week! But after that, do not give up when you do not see as great of results from that point forward. It will be harder to lose weight at that rapid of a pace from then on, but keep at it.

What you want to do is go to the gym if you can. Run at a reasonably challenging pace for about 25 minutes. Don't go too easy on yourself. I can testify to the cliche "No pain, no gain." when you are not working hard, you are usually not getting anything done. when you push yourself, and you feel the lactic acid in your muscles (the burning sensation) , you will not only feel it, but you will see the results. if you really want to look good walking down that aisle and turn heads, you'll work yourself, push it to the limit.

If you don't have access to the gym, just run around the neighborhood. go for the same time. make sure you stretch before and after exercising, to avoid any possible injury. after the cardio aspect of the exercise, jump into push ups and sit ups. I assume you want to flatten your belly.? work on lower ab sit ups primarily. dont just focus on conventional sit ups, these mainly target your upper abdominals, which are good too. however, the "belly fat" most women are upset of about themselves tend to remain around the lower naval area just above the belt.
you can perform lower ab sit ups, or reverse crunches, by raising your legs and buttocks in the air while in sit up position. this should hurt at first.
here is a video for you to properly perform them.
.?v=KAcArkPme7k" rel="nofollow">
-----> try to mimic this.

After exercising, make sure to consume a small amount of protein, and rehydrate.

Other than that, make sure to get plenty of sleep, so you do not throw off your metabolism. KEEP YOUR METABOLISM HIGH, AND YOUR WEIGHT LOW!

I hope this helps. This is a healthy and safe approach to lose weight.
Health Question & Answer

Daily plan:

Eat little, no more than 1500 to 2000 calories, mostly protein, very little fat, little carbs, take a multivitamin to make up for lost vitamins and minerals through minimal nutrient intake.

Run at least 5 miles everyday.

Drink at least 1 gallon of water a day to prevent dehydration.Health Question & Answer

Exercise is just as pivotal as food intake when it comes to losing weight. There's loads of good instruction for exercise on the web portal in the box below. I lost 10 pounds by following their techniques.Health Question & Answer

Drink water. Many people are dehydrated, and a lot of times feelings of hunger are actually your body asking for water. Start out slow with exercise. Instead of watching television go for a walk. If that's too hard, begin some simple stretches in front of the television. Drink a glass of water before you eat to reduce your appetite.
In the morning start with a balanced breakfast. Some simple carbohydrates like Cheerios, toast, even better, an apple. Have some slow-burning protein, like eggs to keep you from getting hungry very fast. Breakfast is very important. If you start your day out with breakfast your much less likely to go hunger-crazy and eat anything and everything later in the day. Eating things with fiber in them like fruits and veggies do wonders for suppressing an appetite. Cut out soda and junk food. I'm sorry if that's too hard but if you really want to lose the weight, you have no other choice. From a nutritional standpoint junk food is your body's worst nightmare. To start off, eat five small meals throughout the day, breakfast being that biggest. DON'T EAT LATE IN THE DAY. Eating a couple of hours before sleeping means that your body won't have time to burn the calories, and overnight your body will turn those calories into fat. If you can't exercise just find ways to move around more. Put some small, strap on weights on your legs to help burn more calories with each step.Health Question & Answer

It's hard to come up with a diet and exercise plan if we can't see you in person. If someone suggests that you jog, you might have something with your health that would make that dangerous.

I would suggest checking out Youtube for workout videos. That way you can see what there is and how it is done. As for food, you need to eat. If you starve yourself, you will actually gain weight. When your hungery, just reach for a snack that is either a fruit or vegetable; And/Or something rich in protein. Soy milk is a good snack because it has Omega's and the same types of proteins as meat. So it's like drinking a glass of Steak & Vegetable. There is tons of places on the Internet where you can check out snacks that are heathly. Because of the types of workouts I do, my snacks have to rich in protein. So I eat a lot of mixed nuts, which will help you feel full and give your what your body needs. The best way to loss weight, is always doing Cardo workouts on an empty stomach. That way your body feeds on the Fat, not the Food. also, wait at least 2 hours after eating before going to sleep. And even longer if it was a big meal. All that food will just be digestion in your body, but since your sleeping, it will turn into fat.

I wrote this for someone else on here, but it might also help you.

Things To Keep In Mind When Working Out And Dieting:
1. A year goes by no matter what. So if you start working out now, then in a year from now you will be in much better shape.
2. Some working out is better then None. So if you can only workout 5 minutes a day, then workout 5 minutes a day.
3. Adding mass means eating things that don't taste great, and often. So you will need to make sure you are eating enough each day. If your hungry, then eat. You don't have to eat a bucket of ribs; but if you don't eat then your not helping your body at all. I mainly eat planet proteins, and proteins are needed for mass. Flax Seed, Soy, Hemp, and Wheat Grass. I freakin' hate eating as much as I need to, to keep mass, but that is what needs to be done.
4. You really have to let working out be fun. If you force yourself to do it, your not going to stick with it. So find things that are fun and do those. Who cares what everyone else is doing. I have known people that hated working out, but loved to dance. So they danced to stay in shape.
5. Think about something else when working out. When I'm tired, but I still need to finish my set, I image I'm in a competition or in a movie. That millions of people are watching me at home on their TV's doing my workout, and that changes my mind set. Sometimes I pretend if I can do just 10 more push-ups, then I will win a date with a celebrity. It sounds stupid, but it takes my mind off of the pain and on something else.Health Question & Answer

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