I'm on the CABBAGE soup DIET and i think my body is in SHOCK lol, no carbs/alcohol/sugar YIKES!?!

Question: I'm on the CABBAGE soup DIET and i think my body is in SHOCK lol, no carbs/alcohol/sugar YIKES!.?
I admit that for years all I've eaten was carbs & processed foods, no fruit or veggies. I also drank 6 beers every night. I just started the CABBAGE soup diet (which is just a ton of veggies/fruits) and I can't imagine what my body is going thru! LOL The first night after fruit & soup all day I felt a little dizzy and had a headache. I'm tough, i took an aspirin and went to bed LOL. Am I going to live.? HA HA kidding, but seriously, my body must be freaking out.Health Question & Answer

the person who said that the guy who created the Atkins diet died is right, but he died because he slipped while walking and hit his head on the crosswalk and got into a coma. When they did his autopsy, they said that there were no clig artiries, that he was healthy.

You need SOME carbs, heathy one, but not a lot. Mostly eat fruit, vegies but you do need carbs, once more NOT ALOT.Health Question & Answer

i don't know but what i do know is the guy who created the atkins diet (no carbs) died. i think you should have some carbs in your diet. i lost 32 lbs and my husband lost 40 buy taking hydroxycut and stopped drinking pop you should drink a lot of water half of what you weigh like me now i am 130 lbs and drink at least 65 oz of water a day. tuna fish is also a great thing to eat if you are trying to lose weight just don't put to much mayo in it. it is kind of dry but it does work.good luck!Health Question & Answer

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