How do I define my abs?!

Question: How do I define my abs.?
Hey guys
I'm 14 and recently lost some body fat, and i'm in fairly good shape.
I achieved this by eating well, daily running and situps, now I only do situps and eat well, but abs aren't showing.?
I'm not sure if I should start running again to lower my body fat even more so the abdominal wall can show more..
I've been at it for over 10 weeks
and still no results.
How would I get a defined stomach.?
Thanks.Health Question & Answer

There are three essential components to acquiring a six-pack:
1) Build abdominal muslce
2) Cardiovascular training
3) Eat correctly

Building the muscle is your six-pack, but it won't show with a layer of fat over it. Eating correctly minimizes the fat added to your abs, and cardio training speeds everything up.

-Cardio burns calories both while you run and over the following two hours; that's why if you're going for a six-pack specifically, you'll want cardio in comparison to sprinting.
-Eating correctly can be more detailed. It means eating less (consuming less calories) daily and eating at the correct times. You'll want less calories, and have several small meals instead of a few large meals. This will keep your metabolism going most of the day. also, as a rule of thumb, don't eat after 7:00 (pending on when you go to bed).
-To build ab muscles, do some sit-ups and oblique sit-ups.

By six-pack I meant defined abs...same thing.

Hope that helps; good luck.Health Question & Answer

fattyHealth Question & Answer

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