I need dieting help?!?!

Question: I need dieting help.?!.?
Im 18, and I need help controlling my eating, I seem to do fine during the day but at night I eat a lot and I cant control it, its the weirdest thing, are there any tips on how to avoid this.?, I want to lose a few pounds but i cant if I binge eat at night! Any Advice.?Health Question & Answer

It's all about self discipline. No one can FORCE you to put that food in your mouth, chew, and swallow it at night.. It's all your sub conscious doing it to you..

Try keeping yourself busy, if your only doing it at night, it's probably a boredom thing.. Go jogging, swimming, work out at night instead of the day, play games, just keep your mind busy..

www.shapefit.com is a great site for dieting - take a look, it helped me lose 60lbs and counting.. Good luck man.

To the guy talking about a ring on your stomach. You need to be 100lbs + overweight and something that DRASTIC should be a last resort when you have to choose to live, or die from being overweight.. That's not even a real f***ing answer to losing weight, it's a get out easy card. People like you piss me off.Health Question & Answer

You are probally not eating enough during the day and that is why you want to eat so much at night. because once your body gets a little food it wants more. you need to keep your metabolism up durning the day and the best way to do that is by eating! (not whatever you want) like 200-300 calorie mini meals. lots of fruit for snacks,low fat things. try to go for more natural selections...like nuts, raw veggies, yogurts, but...i know packaged food isnt that great for you and i try to stay away from it as much as i can but those 100 calorie snack really curb your cravings!!!(only eat one pack at a time) and drink soooooo much water. you should eat every 2-3 hours. try to have a good breakfast if you can. egg beaters or eggs whites packed with veggies low fat cheese....you could throw all that in a whole wheat tortilla or eat it by itself. good luckHealth Question & Answer

in all seriousness man u just got to tell yourself when to stop.
i'm guessing u eat at night because you are bored (main reason why people put on weight is because when they are bored they eat, same thing as smoking)

finding something else you could do like play a computer game that required more then just run-and-gunning..something liek a strategy game. i recommend hitman(if u want and hitman game pm me)

i dunno, just take your mind off eatingHealth Question & Answer

ok, that first answerer had no right to say that. that was extremely rude and uncalled for!

I know how you feel- it's my weak time too- mostly because I'm bored. I find that if I have something to do to keep myself busy I dont eat. also, try brushing your teeth right after dinner-you'll be less likely to eat again, or if you have a retainer put that in after dinner. It also helps to have a dinner full of fiber to keep you fuller longer. and if all else fails, just make sure you have only healthy snacks in the house.Health Question & Answer

read every single one of the other articles under "dieting" and everyone asks this same question. dont waste ur points on asking a question thats already been answered many times over.

but u can get a ring on your stomach, ver safe and very afective. if your problem is u dont stop eating that would be a good idea. it literally makes your stomach a little smaller so that you get ful at an average person's rate, thus dont have to eat as much or even might reject food, like when you are full u dont want to eat anymore. i suggest that if u have any money. if not..eat healthy and excersise.

i know everyone says that, but find fruits or things that you really like and always have ALOT of those in the house. then when you dont want to stop eating, grab some mandarin oranges, or some actual chicken thats not processed, or maybe a pluot or something.

good luckHealth Question & Answer

Im 18 and a girl and i have the SAME problem! This is what helped me, it was hard at first but u gotta fight the urge trust me. Once u see a diference u wont want to eat at night cuz of the improvement. its worth it.
What i do is i either DRINK a lot of water...till you get full. it boosts ur metabolism and makes you full. water is good for you. I drink flavoured water, crystal lite, and its 0 calories and has taste.
another thing that helps, if you crave anything UNHEALTHY, go to the washroom and brush your teeth. crazy but it kills the craving and makes your teeth whiter :D
Now, if only your hungry, dont reach for the chocolate chip cookies like i did, fight temptation and go eat a fruit.
I did this for a week, and I saw results in my tummy area.
Going to bed on an empty stomache is great, you wake up in the morning and you feel thinner. make sure you have a good breakfast.
Going to bed on a full stomache, makes your stomache digest while you sleep and it works slower so the food left over simply turns into fat....in your stomach and @$$ area.
Take my word - this helps. Health Question & Answer

get rid of the junk food and replace with fruits and raw veges.. try not to eat in front of the tv..bad habit..brushing your teeth after your last meal helps. don't know why, but someone told me to do that and it helped. i used to do the same thing. it can be out of boredom and or out of depression. talk to your dr. good luck. Health Question & Answer

You're less active at night, so you get bored and you eat. Find activities to do at night to keep you busy.Health Question & Answer

make sure there is no food in the house or only food you will not binge on or it didnt matter if you did ie like broccoli etcHealth Question & Answer

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