What do you fit, healthy good looking athletic people eat?!

Question: What do you fit, healthy good looking athletic people eat.?
To the fitness buffs and health freaks out there (I look up to you all!)
What do you eat usually.? What's your favorite healthy meal.? Can I have the recipe to it.?

And what do your meals in a typical week look like.?

Most detailed gets best answer. Please and thank you, this will really help me out.

Thank you!
Health Question & Answer

Well, before the new fall semester started, this summer was a great one for me, and my nutritionist would be proud!

First I would ensure to wake up not too late so I could get my first meal of the day, which almost always was a ALL FRUIT smoothie from either Jamba juice or Robeks (24 fl oz -ish). Or I'd make myself one via blender. Its important to get your carbohydrates/fruit in early to maintain energy throughout the day.

2-3 hours later, a small snack.. apple, or banana, or granola bar, or protein shake, or carrots, etc... something like that.

Lunch- My favorite, make a sandwich! or go to subway (or one of the million other sandwich shops around). Try not to go crazy with the dressings. I would usually eat a 6 inch (subway), but if I was feeling more hungry, it wouldn't hurt to get a 12'inch. Make sure you throw tomato's , lettuce, and any other vegi-sort of things you like on there.

2-3 hours later another small snack.

Dinner time, This is soooo GOOD! to this day I have not gotten sick of it. Go out buy a George foreman grill, and a lot of "lemon seasoned chicken" and make that (get your protein in). Its amazing, and healthy. Make some vegetables for a side (any vegi's you want), and maybe some mash potatoes/ or rice/ or soup. If you go out to a restaurant don't even look at the salad section. They usually end up being worse for you than french fries. So get a nice steak (preferably a less fatty cut, a.k.a avoid the ribeye, make sure to get some vegetables for a side).

1-3 hours later (OPTIONAL) Snack if you are still hungry later on.

NOTE: I never drink anything other than water and milk (except the smoothies of course). Maybe an occasional cappuccino from Starbucks. Try to stay away from soda's.

So this is pretty much an average day for me, remember its okay to spoil yourself sometimes. Especially if you are maintaining proper fitness. Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

For breakfast I eat one of the following:
Oatmeal and fruit (usually this everymorning)
Whole grain -non sugared cereal and fruit
Two fried eggs and toast and fruit
For lunch I eat one of the following:
Rice, beans, corn, salsa, avocado (sometimes in a wrap, but that adds more calories)
Tempeh sandwich with avocado and onions
Pasta with sauce and fake meat and vegetable
Homemade chilli - with carrots, corn, black beans, green peppers, onions
For dinner:
Homemade chilli (see above)
Pasta (see above)
fried eggs and toast
Rice and beans ( see above)

I'm a vegetarian so I eat a lot of tempeh and beans. The biggest thing is portion size. I eat of small plates to control portions better.
For snacks in between if I get hungry I eat fruit and vegetables. Once a month I splurge and will have pizza or something like that, but in my weekly meals I don't have cheese.
Health Question & Answer

I eat anything I want, then exersice it off, look at me now! (.?qid=20081010083920AAAS5ox">http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... )Health Question & Answer

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