What does squeez together the sholuder blades mean?? like how cn u do that?!

Question: What does squeez together the sholuder blades mean.?.? like how cn u do that.?
the book says to to this while doing a flat bench press, a bench press only with dummbbells.
also, what does ''keep your spine in neutral alignment mean''.?
thanks peoples:)Health Question & Answer

Stand up and hold your hands out in front of you with straight arms. Now, pull your arms back so your palms are near your chest; that's how your shoulder blades are squeezed together. This is how the seated row exercise is a back exercise.

Keeping your spine in neutral alignment means to keep it in a position that is similar to you laying down on your back normally. During the bench press movement (including with just dumbbells), some people will arch their back a lot. The reason is because they are trying to lift weight that is just too heavy for them. Not only does this limit your strength and range of motion (ability to move your limbs correctly and fully), but it can also severely damage your back. Make sure your back and butt stay on the bench!Health Question & Answer

Stick your arms out like an airplane, fully extended. Then bend both arms at the elbow so your hands are pointed outward and your arms form 90 degree angles. Then relax your shoulders a bit so your arms fall an inch or two down naturally and then try and touch your elbows behind your back. The middle of your back where it feels like the two halves of your back are meeting, that is your shoulder blades squeezing together.

Spine in netural alignment just means do not arch your back, Don't lift your chest up or don't lift your hips up.Health Question & Answer

squeezing your shoulder blades is done by drawing your shoulders back and stick your chest out. this is not paramount during chest work, but you should practice this and learn to feel the muscles in your back contract when you do this. it is very beneficial when you are back training. by squeezing your shoulder blades together during back rows, you ensure a complete contraction of the back muscles. keeping your back neutral means that you are not slouching, not rounding your back, and not arching your back too much. this again, is very important with lifts such as barbell rows, squats, and deadlifts. it prevents back injuriesHealth Question & Answer

When you push back your shoulders, your shoulder blades automatically push towards each other.Health Question & Answer

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