Why do i keep ruining my diet?!

Question: Why do i keep ruining my diet.?
everyday im not supposed to eat after 6 but my parents bring amazing foods so late when they finish work. then i eat it. how can i prevent thisHealth Question & Answer

I had the same problem with my family when I started a diet. I had such good willpower throughout the day, and then my mom would bring home Mexican or Chinese food at night!! Finally, I just sat down with her one day and told her that I was really trying hard to lose weight, so if she wanted to bring something home to eat, just don't bring home enough for me. That way, I wasn't tempted to eat anything because I didn't have a plate.

The next time she brought home food, she didn't get me anything, and I just made a salad, so I could eat with her, but I didn't feel as though I had to eat the greasy food that she brought home.

I hope that this helps!Health Question & Answer

I've had that problem. It's a matter of will power.

Identify the difference between "stomach hungry" (your stomach is growling, it'ss a physical need) and "mouth hungry" (emotional eating/wanting to eat for flavor alone)

The best thing I ever learned was that if you think you're going to binge/go off your diet - stop, count to 100 slowly, every 10 counts remind yourself that you've had enough to eat, you have control, you're working towards a goal, etc. If you find you are still hungry wait 20 minutes. If you still feel you need to eat after all of this, have an apple or another fruit. It won't derail you too much and fruit is full of vitamins.

Another thing I do is buy tons of flavored teas. They're not expensive and you can buy variety packs from companies like Celestial Seasonings in just about any grocery store. If you don't think it's sweet enough add a little artificial sweetner (for no calories, but these are dangerous) or honey. Honey is better than white sugar. best plan is to cut out white sugar and after a few days even carrots taste slightly sweet.

Tea is calorie-free, and the warm liquid makes you feel full. Try yummy flavors in place of a high-calorie treat. Fresh apple pie.? Try an apple cinnamon herbal tea. Ice cream.? vanilla flavored red tea. Experiment.

Hope this helps. good luck!Health Question & Answer

Never listen to someone who writes "loose" when he means "lose"

Just excercise some self-restraint, tell your parents about your diet, and that when they bring home food it stops you from dieting normallyHealth Question & Answer

stop being a fatass then, im sorry, i have nothing against fat peeps but for christ sake pull some self control out your *** or something, christ, take the food, and throw it away. Jesus mahebadiesHealth Question & Answer

go for a walk, drink water, chat online. when i have temptation i chat with my diet buddies on a site called buddyslim if you want the site it may help its in the sourcesHealth Question & Answer

You arent supposed to eat after 8, not 6!!
6 is way too early.
Eat a great dinner at 6, and dont eat anything after that.
Dont go too crazyHealth Question & Answer

YOU CAN EAT AT NIGHT and still lose weight. just eat healthy, you're going to fail on your diet if you keep trying to starve yourself Health Question & Answer

Brain power! lol I do the same thing. YOU JUST HAVE TO CONTROL YOUR TEMPTATION. maybe just save what they cook for the next day. Mind over matter. Health Question & Answer

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