Can the natural sugar in fruits have have the same negative effect as sugar in candies?!

Question: Can the natural sugar in fruits have have the same negative effect as sugar in candies.?
For some one watching what they eat, can you have TOO much fruit.? Is having alot of fruit the same as eating candy.?How differently does your body deal with fruit sugars compared to sugar found in candy.?Health Question & Answer

The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose and glucose. The mixture depends on the fruit. Some fruits have more fructose, others have more glucose.

The sugar in candy can be any of a number of sugars and sweeteners - including fructose and glucose.

When fructose, glucose and other sugars are used in candy, they are highly concentrated, whereas in fruit, fructose and glucose are present in safe concentrations. In other words, you would have to eat a large amount of fruit before you were eating the same amount of fructose or glucose as you would get in a few candy bars.

In concentrated form these sugars are bad for you, whereas in less concentrated forms, such as in fruit, they are not, especially when you consider that fruit also contains vitamins, roughage and antioxidants, all of which are good for you.


Can the natural sugar in fruits have the same negative effect as sugar in candy.?

...No - because they are not concentrated enough.

For some one watching what they eat, can you have TOO much fruit.?

...Yes - but it really depends why you are watching what you eat. If you are diabetic or have other blood sugar issues, you should limit how much fruit you eat. Either way, if you eat a lot of fruit in one sitting you will probably get stomach ache or diarrhoea. But I would say that up to 10 pieces a day would be okay as long as you slowly increase the amount. But a more sensible daily amount would be 5 pieces. Clearly the important thing is that you get plenty of fat and protein (such as from meat, fish and eggs) in your diet too - fruit is mainly carbohydrate and on its own cannot keep you healthy.

Is having a lot of fruit the same as having a lot of candy.?

...No - because in fruit it is in a much more concentrated form of sugar and another is not - and because fruit has lots of goodness in, whereas candy does not.

How differently does your body deal with fruit sugars compared to sugar found in candy.?

...The body does deal with fructose and glucose in the same way regardless of whether it's in fruit or candy. Fructose is converted into energy by the liver whereas glucose is converted into energy via the production of insulin. Too much of either will be converted to fat, but only if you are eating more food than you need generally. BUT - the important point is that these processes are not designed to deal with the highly concentrated forms of fructose and glucose that are found in candy (or many of the other sugars found in candy), so your overall health, long term, will suffer from eating a lot of candy but not from eating fruit in reasonable amounts.

This is a difficult question to answer fully because candy can contain any of dozens of different types of sweetener, and they all have different effects. I would recommend reading the guide to sugars and sweeteners on the website shown below.

Health Question & Answer

No. The sugar in fruits is all natural and gives you a steady sugar boost in the blood that evenly lasts for a while and keeps the blood sugar steady.

With fake refined factory sugar in candy, you get a sugar spike and high, and then an extreme low, and a dependency along with it. They manufactured it that way so you would keep coming back for more.

The FDA is a bunch of sick f**ks.Health Question & Answer

All sugar is natural, but sugar becomes toxic to your body after it has been refined, ie, a simple carb. I don't think you can eat too much fruit, but check out the different fruits, some are higher in sugar than others. Health Question & Answer

No, not very likely. Youd get stomach pains and throw up long before that could happen. I read alot about fruit on this site and that's where I get most of my info.Health Question & Answer

no unless you eat fruit all day their are good carbs and bad carbs just like their are good shugars and bad shugarsHealth Question & Answer

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