How can I gain muscle mass and size amd get ripped?!

Question: How can I gain muscle mass and size amd get ripped.?
im 16, 5'10 and 157 lbs. I'm trying to get ripped as stated. I've been weight lifting for a year and a half now and Im starting to feel that i'm not getting any results anymore. My bench doesn't increase, curls, etc. It feels like im stuck on the same weight every time I workout those body parts. My muscles still hurt the next day, but I don't seem to be gaining any mass or strength. It feels like it stays almost the same. Does anybody know any sites or any workouts for the pecs, biceps, etc, that can allow me to gain mass and size.? I'm not looking for quick muscles, just gradual increase in size and mass over time. Thanks in advance!!!Health Question & Answer

maybe your diet is lacking, make sure you eat enough protein so your body could repair. Your body grows when you rest and use what you eat. If you have a bad diet, you can work out as much as you want and not see a thing. Start eating more protein, like lean chicken breast, steak, and drink a post workout protein shake. Carbs are also important so eat alot before your workout so you can perform better in the gym. Squats and deadlifts will definately pack on mass. Completely change your workout routine with some drop sets, supersets. has alot of information. look up 5x5 workout , or doggcrapp workoutHealth Question & Answer


theres so many articles showing you how to get ripped.

trust me, go there.
you wont leave once you do. :]Health Question & Answer

I have a blog that might help lead you in the right direction. I hope this helps! Question & Answer

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