Why do people make losing weight so difficult? You eat healthy and exercise why do people not understand this?!

Question: Why do people make losing weight so difficult.? You eat healthy and exercise why do people not understand this.?
Because too many people believe theres magic pills to melt away fat in one day or that if you sit down and eat all day your still gonna be able to lose weightHealth Question & Answer

Firstly, there are all sorts of things that can complicate weight loss, and whilst some of them are physical (slow metabolism due to underactive thyroid etc), most are psychological.

Some people get caught up in self-sabotage, some eat for comfort, and others have overeating compulsions. I agree that some people are lazy and looking for an easy way out. They want to hear 'hey, this is how you do it with no effort for maximum results' but that answer just does not exist when it comes to weight loss...

In the end, some have more barriers than others to overcome before they can start living healthy. I am not going to criticise someone who needs to sort these out, but if they are in denial and refusing to see that there is a problem, then yeah, that's stupid and I would typically avoid them.

Most of the weight loss questions imo belong in the 'psychology' section.Health Question & Answer

People do understand this- they just do not want to believe it. In this day and age of instant gratification- people want quick weight loss. I agree true weight loss usually only happens when you eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis- but if someone is promising you - you can lose 20 pounds in 1 month- there are a lot of people who stop and consider the new fad diet. also there are medical issues that make weight loss difficult- diabetes, thyroid- anyone considering losing weight( more than 15 pounds should always consult their doctorHealth Question & Answer

genetics and body composition play a big part in how each person gains/looses weight. For some people weight will never be an issue, and for others it will be non-stop struggles their whole life.
Healthy diet and exercise is good for everyone. Even 2 sisters can have such a genetic difference where raised in the same house, eating the same things and doing the same activities can be totally different in weight.
Dont judge heavy people and say they are all lazy and have no willpower. Just be thankfull you do not have to struggle like they do.Health Question & Answer

I would say most people mess up when it comes to the diet. There are many different variations to dieting, and this causes a lot of confusion. Many will often fall subject to fad diets, like the lemon diet, etc., which "detox your body". Others will give up meat with the assumption that meat is the primary cause of obesity. Others believe they can eat junk food if there is still a caloric deficit. With all the misinformation and myths about weight loss it is hard to acquire the right information.Health Question & Answer

it is hard to lose weight. some peps need a menu a day to day menu,some peps have hectic lives and just pick up things to eat. some have kids.
some have busy lives that dont have time to work out. i work in an er and have a gym at the hospital i never use it. i have a battle with my weight and have tried to lose weight it is hard. what things do u things a person should eat.? what kinds of exercise do u suggest. some of us r big boned. thanksHealth Question & Answer

me being one of those stupid people before i thought that it was hard
all some people really need is dedication
and a strive
(though it may be said over and over again)
and really those shitty pills and everything like the new machines out there suck
i never tried the pills but i did try all of the new machines
old school methods are the best
thats why everyone in their 30's now are so fit EVEN NOW Health Question & Answer

Because most people dont bother to look at the nutritional facts for the foods they eat and they end up overweight before they know it.Health Question & Answer

People have no self control, that includes me too.....they want what they want when they want it......without having to work for it or give something up for it!Health Question & Answer

lol its kinda funny. But uim over weight myself. We just love Junky bad for you foodHealth Question & Answer

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