My daughter is dropping weight VERY fast?!

Question: My daughter is dropping weight VERY fast.?
She is 15, 5'7", used to weigh 155lbs.
She has been loosing about 0.6kg a day! [1.32lbs a DAY]
She is eating just miso soup, going for a jog every morning, walking around school, on the Elliptical trainer for one hour a day, and she also goes on it for twenty minutes when she gets home from school.
Miso soup has 33 calories per serve. She had it for all 3 meals. She is eating just 99 calories a day.?! She seems energised, she has been doing this for just over two weeks, and has dropped over 9kg.
Is this very unhealthy.?
I told her she would gain it all back, but she said she wont if she eats calories under how many her body burns naturally. (e.g. her BMR is like 1600, if she eats under 1600 cals, she wont gain weight afterwards.?)

Help!Health Question & Answer

And you believed her.? Since when is dropping 1 pound per day healthy.? You should only be dropping 1-2 pounds per week. And you think 99 calories is sufficient for a growing girl, or anyone.?

"She seems energized". Uhh, no, you need 5 grams of glucose per hour for your body and brain to function normally (which is impossible on 3 servings of Miso soup, that doesn't provide a sufficient amount of carbohydrates at all, not to mention pretty much any other nutrient).

Somehow your daughter made you believe her, and by not stopping her, this eating disorder will become even worse. If you consume less calories than your BMR you will lose weight, yes. However, with that principle, you must use it properly.

You should only be taking about 500 calories away from your BMR and the amount of calories you burn from other activities combined. Your daughter's BMR is probably around 1,400 or so, and 99 calories is just an absolutely ridiculous deficit, and way too much.

Assuming your daughter's BMR is 1,400 and she burns 300 calories from other physical activity, that means she burns 1,700 calories a day. From this, you take away 500 calories, which equates to 1,200 calories, not even close to 99. You never take that much of a deficit from BMR. The only way you won't gain it back from a diet like that is if you never eat normally again, but that would result in death.

Most people eventually switch back before they die. And at that point you will gain back weight rapidly. Why.? When your body is not getting enough calories it assumes there is a lack of food, so fat storages are preserved to keep you alive and your metabolism is slowed down for this. Eating normally again with such a slow metabolism causes rapid weight gain.

"Then she will be at a healthy weight". Yes, by using a very unhealthy method. "I know she would never be anorexic". Wrong, she already is, she is consuming 99 calories a day and trying to lose weight. What damage.? Let's see...internal organ failure, heart failure, death.

Edit: She may think she has more energy, which I think she is lying about, but if you insist she does, she still doesn't have more energy. 3 servings of miso soup is a very insufficient source for daily carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are your body's primary and most preferred source of energy.

"She has no idea on the calories". Lol, how many people don't realize 3 servings of miso soup isn't enough.? You honestly think she is full from that.? If she loved food she wouldn't restrict herself so heavily. Maybe she loved food before, but now she doesn't.

It's pretty obvious that she has an eating disorder. You are in denial. Obviously it's hard to accept something like that, but it's true. Don't believe me.? Go ask her to eat something else that is healthy and see for yourself.

And make sure your daughter doesn't just purge it later. And see if she can continue eating more for over a week. If your daughter carries on these habits she is opening herself up for so many medical consequences.

I'm sorry, I really do feel bad for you, but you need to get her help, and I know I may be bringing this on too strongly as shocking news, but I'm just telling you the truth, better now than never.

-I edited this a little bit, so if you can, reread it.Health Question & Answer

im sorry, but that IS an eating disorder. miso soup doesnt cover all her daily nutritional needs and she is not eating enough at all.
take her to a doctor, and make sure that doctor sets her straight. she can suffer serious consequences from this. 99 calories is pretty much the equivalent of anorexia.Health Question & Answer

Then i suppose its your job to convince her that she needs to eat more and that its not healthy for her to be on this kind of diet. Maybe a doc could help you recommend a dietician.Health Question & Answer

i think she is starting to grow more high or she is being an adult now, don worry because she is still strong and have more ENERGY .Health Question & Answer

She may have an eating discorder or naybe she tired of being over weight,and did something about it.Health Question & Answer

She is Probaly Smoking CrackHealth Question & Answer

it is very unhealythyHealth Question & Answer

maybe kids at school made fun of her weight.....?Health Question & Answer

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