Why are people so nasty to people that say they want to be anorexic?!

Question: Why are people so nasty to people that say they want to be anorexic.?
Obviously, if someone wanted to be anorexic then they would allready have bad mental problems, and mentally would be anorexic, so why does everyone say mean stuff like, grow up and don't be stupid. Because that's not going to make them feel better is it.? So why.?

also don't you hate it when people tell you to "grow up" i think it's stupid i hate it lol do you.? Health Question & Answer

you took the words out of my mouth about that they have mental problems..no "healthy" person will ever think of starving themselves..
i am a recovered anorexic and still find it somewhat offensive that people say those things in order to fit in...
its just something that you just dont want =/Health Question & Answer

No, when people say they want to be anorexic, they are not mentally f*cked like ACTUAL anorexics. They just think its glamorous and pretty to be bone thin like they are. anorexia is a mental illness, its not something you can imitate and then inherit. Do you think those people really want to have their lives controlled by anorexia.? do they want the only thing they ever think about it food.? do you think they want to hate themselves and have dilusional images of their bodies.? Do you think they want to die.? thats basically what they're saying. thats a little bit of what its like to be anorexic. its insulting when little girls think its a game when there are people who actually suffer and die from it. Health Question & Answer

that's happened to me 29034894829384720987432839x times.
seriously, like i asked a question on yahoo.
and it's like if your just gonna call the person stupid.
why the heck would you answer the question.
eerrghh i hate that LOLHealth Question & Answer

that's rightHealth Question & Answer

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