How do I eat healthy, work and go college all at the same time?!

Question: How do I eat healthy, work and go college all at the same time.?
I'm 17 and started college last year, so now I'm in my final year.

Over the past 14 months I have gained 4 stones, gone from 8 stones, dress size 8 to 12 stones, dress size 16.

I find myself eating chocolate during college when I have free periods, I eat take aways after work and lunch is a case of picking up a sarnie from Greggs.

I NEED and want to start eating healthily again as my health + fitness has got so bad, awful in fact.


How many calories should I be eating per day, is the minimum 1,400 for a 17 year old female.?

How do I take a healthy snack, such as an orange and apple to college without looking like some sort of freak.?

How do I avoid all the chocolate + crisps my mum buys every 3 days.?!

Help is needed here, guys/girls.

Thanks very much. Health Question & Answer

I have been to college, uni (twice) been in the army and now I'm a nurse, and I have managed to stay fit and healthy all the way through that.

The secret is not doing 'fad' diets or seeing it as a short term thing, it's a whole lifestyle thing. You need to LIVE healthy. Educate yourself about what is needed and incorporate it into your life.

For a healthy diet, you need to be eating small to medium meals regularly. 4 or even 5 times a day. Each meal (apart from breakfast which should preferably be fibre rich), should contain a balanced ammount of carbohydrates for energy, (from potatoes, rice and pasta, etc) protien (from fish, chicken, occassional red meat is fine, soya is good too) and plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (simple fresh fruit and veg). Eat like this and make sure you are well hydrated (fruit juice is as good as water, any fluid counts, but some fluids have negative effects too, such as alcohol or caffiene rich drinks.)

If anyone laughs at you for having an apple or an orange they are so mentally retarded their opinion shouldn't matter anyway.

You can have a wide range of healthy meals with this, from Thai, Chinese, Italian, British, Indian, etc. Just make sure each meal contains balanced ammounts of these three. On the bright side too, fresh veg and rice and pasta is a lot cheaper than crappy junk food!

This doesn't mean you cant have chocolate or pizza/takeaway/etc, just save them as very occassional treats, say one day a week (saturday or something). As for your mum, willpower is the answer here. Just don't eat too much of it, or if you do, excercise a bit more. Maybe ask her to eat healthier with you.?

The big secret to keeping a healthy weight and staying healthy is EXCERCISE, particularly cardio excercise (running, swimming, cycling, etc). It is very easy to MAKE the time for this, say you go to the gym four times a week, is 4 or 5 hours a week really that uch.? How much time do you spend watching TV or hanging out with mates.? If you really want to do it you can.

Cardio exercise will not only burn calories and reduce your body fat levels, but will also improve your resting heart rate and lung function, making you healthier.

Strength training will help you strengthen and tone your muscles. Heavy weights with short reps/sets will build your fast twitch muscle fibres and build size, power and strength, but if you use light to medium weights with lots of reps/sets, you wont build size, but you will tone up your muscles body and train muscle endurance. This will obviously make you 'look' healthier and more toned, but will also increase your metabolism (as your muscles demand more energy) so you will burn calories faster.

As far as excercise goes, you should aim to strike a balance between cardio training and strength training, this way you will build good strong and toned muscle, but also keep your body fat levels down and increase your heart and lung performance, making you much fitter and healthier.

Hope this helps.

Health Question & Answer

there is nothing wrong with having an apple in class if before you were having lets say a reses or m&ms also 4 lunch you can have like a sandwich or taco or something i dont no how many calories u should have every day but it is ok to have a candy every day or two just not all the time hope i helped

Health Question & Answer

Ask your mum not to bring junk food into the house, instead replace it with fruits and veggies. Frozen grapes are a great snack.

Would you rather look like a freak or a fat pig.?

Go to "Dying For Food" for more tips and information.Health Question & Answer

your problem is not that you dont know how to eat healthy its that you wont. honestly in College no one will think of you as a freak for eating an apple or orange (something healthy) you are taking what everyone else might/might NOT think too seriously. you need to do what is best for you without feeling self conscious about what others will think of you. it seems to me that you dont have enough will power because if you have to "avoid" eating chocolate then its simple....just stay away from them. you know you want to lose weight so gain the power to overcome your craving for candy...your problem will go away once you decide that its worth it to not feel so self conscious...Health Question & Answer

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