Do you guys think I'm fat?!

Question: Do you guys think I'm fat.?
I'm 5'5/5'6 ish...and I weight 135 lbs... I wanna be around 120 lbs.. I've read all the other "weight loss" answers, but i don't have time go jogging everyday or go to the gym. I don't have a fat ***.. my thighs are kinda big, but im a I heard that that was normal.. I kinda have a big stomach.. like, it doesn't really show but when im wearing a bathing suit... yeah.. you get the picture! So what kinda foods should i eat, to not gain weight, but not be hungry all the time. I wont each junk food! :)

Thanks for all the help.
Oh and to guys-- Is it a big turn off if a girl has a stomach.. like..would you be grossed out.?.?

xxx Health Question & Answer

Here are some tips that help me...

1. Cut out all fast food
2. Cut out all soda (Diet soda is not great, but better than normal soda)
3. Eat foods high in fiber (fiber helps you stay full longer)
4. Eat foods high in protein (same with fiber pretty much)
5. Instead of 3 MEALS a day, have 5-6 snacks a day. (increases metabolism)

also, I wouldn't find it a turn off if a girl had a stomach. Maybe if it was a huge one, but not if it's just a little bit of fat.Health Question & Answer

your not fat thats narmal for your size its not only fat witch you are not it is how tall you are and everything you are good to go your not fat rember that guys like to mess with your mind and act like your fat because they dont care but i doHealth Question & Answer

A toned stomach is what a guy likes. Not abbs but also not pudge. Like the other person said. Cut out fast food, junk food, sodas, candy.... you get the picture.Health Question & Answer

You sound just right to me. And some stomach is fine.

Eat vegetables, raw or cooked, rice cakes. Cut down on high meat diets, and too many carbs. Health Question & Answer

Yes we are grossed out but most of us are just as guilty. The fact that you are asking the question shows that you are thinking is might be time to work out. If you are a figure skater and you are in super great shape and it's all muscle then you are right where you need to be. If you are like the rest of us and say you are a "whatever" but really you just do it once in a while then you probably need to find time to go jogging. My ex wife thought she was a super model when she looked more like Rosanne (ha ha ha). Really, she never realized that she should maybe take up an activity and it caused problems in our marriage. We can all better ourselves if we would only be honest and open to change. Good luck it's sounds like you are on the right track. Health Question & Answer

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