Is eating a lot of friut everyday bad for you calorie wise and will it give you diabettes?!

Question: Is eating a lot of friut everyday bad for you calorie wise and will it give you diabettes.?
I make a smoothie for myself everyday. also note I am a weight lifter. I work out 5 times a week at least! I don't like protein shakes so I prefer to make a smoothie and add the powder. I always make it with:
2 Bananas
1/2 cup of blueberries
1 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup of soy milk
1 cup of ice
2 scoops of protein powder

will consuming this everyday give me diabettes in the long run because I know there is a lot of sugar in fruit.? I guess the calorie part is irrelevant because I need to consume an inordinate amount to pack on muscle.? Health Question & Answer

You should google the movie documentary RAW FOR 30 DAYS to understand that people with Type 2 Diabetes were all taken off insulin in just 2 weeks of eating raw fruits and veggies.

It's a myth from the pharmaceutical companies to tell people to take it easy on raw fruit, but you don't metabolize the sugar the same way as refined carbs.

Refined carbs, even if they are low calorie and non fat are converted to sugar easily and cause hanging fat on the body.Health Question & Answer

Eating too much of anything can potentially be bad for you. However, it is hard to eat too much fruit. The smoothie you describe is not too much fruit unless you are diabetic like I am ( I think that smoothie would make an entire meal for me ). To answer the other part of your can not directly get diabetes from your diet.Health Question & Answer

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