If i only eat vegetables tomorrow?!

Question: If i only eat vegetables tomorrow.?
and not much of them,
how much will i weigh tomorrow for my cheer game.?

i weight 108 right now.
which is dissoppointing because i have been working out and dieting and i still gained weight.Health Question & Answer

Some vegetables are very starchy and sugary: Carrots, Sweet Potato, Potato. Some vegetables contain much water- cucumbers. Some are fillers- not much nutritional value, iceberg lettuce. Dark leafy green veg have more vitamins.

You cannot loose any appreciable weight by "dieting" for one or two days. If you do this, "vegetables only" diet and you loose weight it will be because you became dehydrated.

Dehydration may cause you to collapse on the field and become injured.

So drink Lots of water Every day. When you use toilet count how long you stream is- you should be able to count to 7 without rushing. Look at your urine. It should be clear not yellow.

You should go for nutritional counseling- no, not what your Cheer Coach say.

Go to Dr for check up and referral to nutrition counseling.

Athletes are very vulnerable to Anorexia, a life threatening disease. Athletes tend to get what is called compulsive exercise Anorexia, way more calories are burned off at the gym, even before the calories burned at a game, than can possibly be consumed. Fast weight lost, compulsive workouts, restricted food and water intake, wasting of muscles and both cognitive and emotional confusion : these are warning signs.

Bless you
Miss ZoeHealth Question & Answer

Unfortunately, I don't think you will weigh any less tomorrow night by eating only vegetables tomorrow. Plus, if you are not use to eating veges, you may get bloated because they contain a lot of fiber. The fiber can cause gas if you are not use to it. How tall are you and how old are you.? 108 is not too much to weigh for anyone. also, if you have already started puberty, you may not be able to help gaining some weight. Sorry, but you are going to get bigger breasts and hips, which will cause you to gain weight. It is just a fact of life. Embrace it. You want to look more like a girl than a boy, don't you.?Health Question & Answer

The formula for losing weight is easy - consume less and exercise more often - the difficulties arise when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are loads of temptations out there don't you think.?! I uncovered some good help by checking out the web resource in the box below, they have loads of tips and tricks, I worked off 9 pounds by following their tips.Health Question & Answer

my friend is on a no meat diet and she keeps fainting. not a good idea, it gets you so sick. she has missed 3 days of school this weekHealth Question & Answer

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