Whats The Fastest Way To Lose Weight?!

Question: Whats The Fastest Way To Lose Weight.?
OK I am 13 years old and I am like 190lbs I hate myself, but i don't know the best way to lose weight, I don't know if I should starve myself and only drink water or puke I mean I am desperate I will try anything... I Mean ANYTHING to lose weight and keep it off FOREVER
because I just want to be skinny like everyone else or maybe even skinnier I wanna get down to 110lb by next year which is like 8 months

P.S. I dont want any answers like "ohh, your unique why do you wanna be like any one else.?"Health Question & Answer

This weight loss system, called "calorie cycling", enables people to shock the metabolism into burning fat more efficiently, thus resulting in more rapid weight loss.

Dieters are never hungry and never in a "famine" mindset. There is also never any unrealistic starvation or removal of any one food group, such as low carbohydrate. People get to choose what they want to eat, so there are no pre-packaged foods, pills, potions, liquids, bars, or anything to buy. In tests, people lost much more weight with this versus starvation, low calories, and 99.1% of the other "fad" diets.

This weight loss method is so powerful that it allows people to lose up to 11 pounds every 13 days. In very rare cases, some people (those with a lot of weight to lose) have reported losses of up to 35 pounds in a month. This is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

Other benefits of this diet are that dieters can avoid the "plateau" effect by switching their calories, and they can eat whatever they want (in moderation - but reasonable moderation, not tiny servings).

In research, dieters were happier and more willing to stay on this diet versus traditional diets such as low calorie and low carbohydrate. Energy levels stayed the same or higher as compared to other diets as well. If you have 10 pounds or more to lose, calorie cycling is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

Hope this helps provide a solution to your question.

I was once over weight and couldn't shed the excess ugly fat
until my friend told me about http://www.EasyWeightLossTea.orgHealth Question & Answer

k, so dont make yourself throw up because not only is it bad for you in so many ways but the acids in your stomach are going to come up and its going to hurt your throat and your teeth (aka ugly teeth) plus, this way to lose weight isnt usually a long term answer.

to lose weight you need to change two things: your diet and your exercise plan.

dont starve yourself because if you stop eating your body will turn to your fat stores for energy BUT as soon as you lose the weight and start eating again, your body will not be used to all the food and your metabolism will be slow (meaning it will have forgotten how to burn all the calories) so you'll just be putting on more weight in the end.

you need a diet that will work longterm. shortterm diets that will lose you the weight for next month, will only make you gain even more weight than you initially started off with.

so first, you have to watch what you eat. cut out all pop immediately! since according to studies if you were to drink a can of pop a day for a year you can gain about 20 pounds. Right now to lose the weight, you have to increase the speed of your metabolism so it burns calories faster. To do this is eating at regular intervals (small portions! for snacks, fruit!). remember people should eat only until they feel satisfied, not full. it takes people 20 mins to feel satisfied so eat slowly. that is the key.

stay hydrated! drink about 2 litres of water everyday and even more when youre exercising.

exercising is another thing important to speed up your metabolism. do at least 45 mins of exercise 4 days a week. Start off with 4 days so you start losing the weight and then when you notice that your weight isnt changing much add another day or increase the difficulty in exercise. For exercise, its important to do more cardio, like jogging, powerwalking, skipping, jumping jacks... i would suggest you start with the jogging. i dont know how much exercise you do usually, but if you dont do much, then start off doing it like 3 mins running and then 1 min break, and keep doing this for the 45 mins. then as you get better at that then switch to 4 mins and 1 min break. then 5 mins and 2 mins...

try and have an earlier dinner and do not eat after 830

also try and drink lots of green tea! it has been proven to increase your metabolism's speed!

losing weight=hard work so dont be put off if you dont see results for the first few days, or if its difficult. just stick to it and you will be happy before you know it. =) good luck! =DHealth Question & Answer

Good old diet and exercise is the only way to go if you want permanent weight loss. crash diets work, but only while you're on them. as soon as you go off and start eating normally, you gain all the weight back.

And don't, DON'T starve yourself or binge and purge. It's not healthy at all. You're torturing your body.

Eat a healthy, high-protein breakfast, then eat several high-protein snacks throughout the day (3 or 4, and no lunch). At dinner time, eat a (guess what.?) high-protein meal, with a green salad afterward and skip dessert. Lower your carb intake, and make sure all carbs are high in fiber. also, eat fewer processed foods; they're usually made with sugar or an artifical sweetner.

The reason you should eat a high protein, low carb diet is because, although they're both our primary sources of energy, they're different types of energy. Protein is slow-burning, so a little goes a long way. Carbs are quick-burning, so although they may fill you up faster, you'll also get hungry again sooner. Dietary fiber helps with digestion, so your body can absorb nutrients better, and you get more bang for your buck, food-wise. A green salad after a mean also helps with digestion.

Drink almost nothing but water. You may bloat and/or gain water weight at first, but after a little while all that water will flush the excess salt out of your system, which is what makes you bloat anyway; salt absorbs the water. Make sure you drink enough water to make your urine practically clear.

As for exercise try and do a combination of cardio and stregnth training. Alternate between cardio and stregnth days - on cardio only days, do about 45 minutes. on stregnth days, do a full-body routine (start with five-pound weights), with 2 minutes of cardio between each exercise. It'll be really hard at first, but if you stick to it, it'll pay off.

It is possible to lose 80 pounds in 8 months, but it'll be hard. You'll have to be completely diligent with your eating habits, and exercise every single day. If you lose 2-3 pounds a week, every week, you'll make your goal =D

good luck!Health Question & Answer

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