So, how will this work?!

Question: So, how will this work.?
ok. so a while ago I posted my exercise plan. but I had to revise it b/c it was too much...
here is the revised plan:
10 min. jog with Meri
45 minute walk/run with Bella
ab workout

10 minute jog with Meri
20 minute walk with Bella
leg workout

10 minute jog with Meri
45 minute walk/run with Bella
arm work-out

ab workout
10 minute jog with Meri
20 minute walk with Bella

10 minute jog with Meri
leg work-out

10 minute jog with Meri
arm workout
45 minute walk/jog with Bella

10 minute jog with Meri
rest for the rest of the day

every week my jog with Meri goes up by 5 minutes b/c I am working out her back left leg to help her hips.

now. here is the meal plan that my dietitian gave me:
meal plan (per dietitian)
2 starches
1 dairy
1 fruit
1 fat
3 oz protein
1 fruit
1 veggie
2 starch
0-1 fats
1 starch
1 veggie
2 starch
1-2 fat
3 oz protein
1 starch
1 dairy

I asked about how long it should take to get from 157 lbs to 140 lbs I am 5 feet 8 inches.
and...I asked about jean sizes. I am an 11 right now. and if I continue to follow this plan. both exercise and meal...if you could guess, what jean size would I go down to.? you have any weight-loss tips. my dad should not be eating sweets. and I want to LOSE weight. and that wont happen if we always have sweets in the house. like cookies and all. if we feel the need for something sweet EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE then we will go out.
we are going to buy more healthy foods. mostly low-fat, fat-free foods
healthy cereal. skim milk for me and 2% for whoever doesnt like skim milk (my dad)
and I am trying to lose weight without reverting to my eating disorder. I have struggled with anorexia and bulimia. my lowest weigh was rounded to 100 lbs. and my highest 165. 165 is after treatment. which I spent a year in treatment for my eating disorder. I would have died if I didnt allow them to stick a tube in my nose

so I have to be careful when I am trying to lose some weight. careful that I don't go back to those harmfull behaviors

so like I said. any tips would be awesome.
and when weather doesnt permit running (snow, ice, storming/tornadoes) what should I do.? I don't have a treadmill. and I am going to ask my mom if I can get a gym membership.
if I COULD run on those occasions. I totally would.

and the reason I had to revise my plan was b/c I got 'burnt out' and I could't continue like that. so I am working up my motivation again.
I want to have a nice body.
I want to get toned up. but keep my butt and boobs.
my legs arent as important to me for toning as arms and abs. those are my main focuses.

so thanks ahead of time everyone!!
and star for your contacts please!!Health Question & Answer

I see a good, healthy plan here.

However, I also see some possible hyper-focusing that could jeopardize your recovery.

Have you considered a "just for today" approach.? Just for today, I'll make an attempt to eat healthfully. Just for today, I'll make an honest attempt to exercise for my inner health, not for what I want to be in 6 months or so. Just for today, I'm going to be kind to myself and love myself for who I am.

I see a 17 year old young woman who is possibly still obsessing -- this is likely the same pattern of thought that led you to where you became deathly ill from anorexia.

Try making "Just For Today" your daily mantra, Cassie. Thread a pretty bead through your running shoelaces as a reminder for "just for today." Post the sign on your mirror. Put the scale away. You'll achieve your goals in a healthier way by breaking them up into smaller goals like this -- you could be setting yourself up for failure (and a relapse) by focusing too much on where you want to be months from now.Health Question & Answer

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