What is the quickest way to lose 30lbs? Cleanse?!

Question: What is the quickest way to lose 30lbs.? Cleanse.?
I went though this depression thing a while back and gained about 20 pounds! I have been trying to lose it for so long and every time I try I end up gaining 5 pound, instead of losing.

I think i want to do a cleanse but i really know nothing about them. please help where do i get the stuff for a cleanse that works.?Health Question & Answer

Losing weight could be easy if you know what you are doing and have the right attitude and motivation. Below are some of the fastest way to lose weight! that will help you.

1) before you start at all, you have got to to ask yourself these questions (A) Is weight loss your top priority.? B) Is dieting right for you.? C) Do you have the right motivation.? D) Are you able to devote 20-30% of your time to your body.? E) Would you accept the things you can not change.? F) Do your family and friends support you.?

If your answers are YES to all the above questions then you are ready.

2: Never ever skip breakfast : Most people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast which is the biggest mistake any one intending to lose weight can make. Make sure you don't miss any breakfast as it is the major source of energy for the day and missing it will do you no good but harm. You should also make sure you don't miss your lunch and dinner too as you don't loss weight skipping meals but instead skipping meals makes you look ugly and it does not help your self esteem.

3. Accept the fact that weight loss will not be easy and learn to be disciple. You must realise the fact that to loss weight you must do some researches on what works and what does not. You should also learn to keep records of your intake and body weight as often as you can.

4. Let your brain understand the fact that you now have a new lifestyle and that you will not eat just any how again until you have the appetite to do so. You need to know that your mind is subconcious. It will believe whatever we make it to believe and will adapt easily with time. That is why you need to keep remaining your mind about your plans to loss weight and to do it real very fast.

5. Workout smartly

Do you know you can actually lose more weight & keep your metabolism fired up longer by doing 3-to-4 shorter 10-minute workouts instead of 1 big 30-to-40-minute cardio workout.?

A research study at the university of Pittsburgh found that women who split up their 40 minute cardio workouts into 4 separate 10 minute cardio workout sessions during the day LOST 20 pounds while the group of women who did one big 40 minute cardio workout only lost 14 pounds.

The reason why more shorter workouts are better is because you never give your fat burning metabolism a chance to slow down.

Read the rest of the article at http://www.squidoo.com/fastest-way-to-lo...Health Question & Answer

eat lots of fresh veggies and eat them before you eat any meat or pastas, rices, or etc. Drink lots of water. Get some exercise like walking or biking. The fiber from the veggies will clean out your intestines (gross I know) fill you up with out many calories, the water will keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger and keep your body working well, and the exercise besides burning calories will increase your serotonin production making you feel better over all. Just remember, if you starve yourself you body will compensate for the lack of food by slowing your metabolism! Most of the weight you loose by starving and "cleansing" will be either lean muscle which you want or just water.
Try this...

Oatmeal for breakfast (I don't really like eating in the morning but it's important and instant oatmeal is easy and good for you)

1/2 cup of cottage cheese and fruit (I do a fruit cup b/c its easy) for a mid morning snack

for lunch find something you like that's mostly veggies, with lean protein like fish, and some carbs. I like an open face salmon sandwich with just a little mayo in the fish and green pepper strips and carrots.

Mid afternoon snack... go for a healthy version of whatever you crave... sweet go for fruit, salty I like tomato slices with salt, crunchy maybe celery and a few nuts or a little nut butter...

dinner the same rules as lunch mostly veggies, lean protein, and some carbs. Try looking at vegan or vegetarian recipes even if you're not vegetarian. It could just be the thing to bust you out of your rut...

most importantly pay attention to portion sizes and remember that it takes 21 days to from a new habit... Health Question & Answer

If you're looking for fast weight loss in a healthy way through a cleanse of some sorts, check this out:
.?gclid=CPLt6PmWv5YCFSJIagod8TyaxQ" rel="nofollow">http://www.naturalhealingtoday.com/colon...

There are a lot and I mean A LOT of various types of colon cleanse, body detoxing and parasite flushing products out there to choose from and it can be overwhelming.

Everyone is different and our bodies react to products differently.
Figure out what you think will be best for you (ie, oils, pills, mixers, fasts, diet, etc.) and do it. Just remember that the best way to lose weight for GOOD and to KEEP IT OFF THE LONGEST is to create a healthy eating plan with balanced nutritional meals and to exercise a few times a week.

Just doing one cleanse may not keep your weight off.

If you are interested in learning more about living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a proper body weight for good, check out these books:

The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno
The Eat Clean Diet Workout by Tosca Reno

There is even an Eat Clean Diet Cookbook!

I found her material very easy to understand and read and easy to follow. You might like it too.

I hope this helps and I wish you all the best. :)Health Question & Answer

Do it the old fashioned and proven way. Eat properly and exercise. It's the only way.Health Question & Answer

The absolutely quickest way to lose 30 lbs.? Chainsaw.Health Question & Answer

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