Do I have hyperthyroidism or something? Question about calories?!

Question: Do I have hyperthyroidism or something.? Question about calories.?
Hmmm well since im a teen & female & still growing, ive calculated on many websites that i should be able to eat about 2200 calories (ive noticed this number shocks a lot of people on here in regards to calories for women... i calculated it based on my basal metabolic rate & exercises that I do...)

Thing is I can barely eat 1800 without gaining weight. & Im not considered overweight on BMI but I reckon Im heaps fat. Some say I should eat 1800 but im already fat from eating that much!(Im serious. I have a roll of flab on my stomach &a really big but o_o).

Why cant I eat this amount without gaining weight.? My mother is the same height as me and she can eat more than me =l Do I have hyperthyroidism or something.?

I eat a really healthy diet most of the time, consisting of protein, carbs & fats. A healthy amount of each (usually more protein as im trying to increase height).

I had anorexia for 6 months long... Does that have something to do with it.? I recovered 3 months ago though so I dont think its related.?

Because even before now I was eating more when I was "better" and now its just like Bang. Fatness & not-being-able-to-eat-much ness...

Im 15, (14, 8 months but obviously its closer to 15...) female and 4'11. &I weigh 52 kg's &going up =[

Please help. Health Question & Answer

Yes anorexia can cause a transient slowing down of your thyroid. Sometimes called non-thyroidal Illness or Euthroid sick syndrome. It may be that you had underlying hypothyroidism and the burden of anorexia causing a slowing of your metabolism has now produced a more pronounced hypothyroidism, hence the inability to eat the same calories as before.

You must have other symptoms of hypothyroidism though, not just weight. Since every single cell in the body contain receptors for thyroid hormone, the symptoms list will be quite long.

Buy yourself a mercury thermometer and leave it by your bedside. When you wake up, before getting up or moving, put the thermometer under your arm and leave it for ten minutes. Track your readings of 3 or more mornings and average it out. If it is significantly below normal, you can assume you are hypo.

This test is not failsafe and should be aware of any infections or inflammation, fever in the body as this will skew results.

Our cells burn calories to produce energy in the form of heat. The more calories we burn, the more heat we produce and the higher our temperature. If your basal temperature is low, it means you are not burning enough calories.

Find yourself a good doc who treats to symptoms. Thyroid Function Tests are useless.Health Question & Answer

sometimes it runs in the jeans of your ancestor . it could be on your daddy size sometime it skips one person and goes to the next personHealth Question & Answer

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