Why can't I stop eating before I go to sleep?!

Question: Why can't I stop eating before I go to sleep.?
I always have to have something to eat before I go to bed even when I'm not hungry.
I know that it's really bad for me, and I'm worried.
Sometimes I say to myself 'this will be the last time' but then I do it again!
Is there anyway I can stop myself.?

please help!Health Question & Answer

a trick that i've learned is to make tea using raw honey and cinnamon - - boil 1 cup water & 1-2 tablespoons cinnamon together then filter them into a mug (I usually use just a coffee filter) and then once it cools down a bit (5 minutes) add a 1 tablespoon of the raw honey. You dont want the water to be boiling when you add the honey because it will break down a lot of the key nutrients in the honey.

Drink this before bed. It has been proven to help you lose weight (cinnamon is extremely helpful for weight loss). The sugar from the honey + the water will help fill you up, plus the sweet combo of honey and cinamon will help curb a sweet tooth.

If this doesnt work, I usually have a fatfree low-cal yogurt before bed in any delicious flavor, or an apple.

It's not bad to eat before bed as long as it's healthy!

And honestly, the only way you can stop yourself completly is with willpower. You need to think "what do i want more, the cookies or my health"

if you stop and think about it before hand, chances are you will be less likely to munch.

Another tip is to close down the kitchen after a certain time...like 8 pm. Turn off the lights and dont allow yourself back into the kitchen until morning. Keep a bottle of ice water in another room in case you do need to get something to drink, but whatever you do, do not go into the kitchen after it's closed! My mother does this and it works amazingly, she actually bought one of those gates that people put up to keep dogs and kids from entering certain rooms...that way she has to actually make effort to go into the kitchen which makes her think twice! Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem! Usually I just eat something like a piece of fruit, or maybe drink some tea.? Tea cures hunger. also drink some water. Take a bottle of water to bed with you, if you feel hungry, drink it.Health Question & Answer

You just have to try not to eat. Maybe drink some water to "cheat" your stomach. Drink a couple of glasses before going to bed.

Good Luck,

KemposHealth Question & Answer

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