Is it possible to lose 80 pounds in 4-5 months? Any tips?!

Question: Is it possible to lose 80 pounds in 4-5 months.? Any tips.?
I dont want to use diet pills but i want to lose all this weight before February. Health Question & Answer

ok, save yourself some time, I have put together a list of websites that work and will help you lose weight quick and effective.
if you need more information you will try go to :

Inspiring quote:
"The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger,
but jump in and scramble through as well as we can."

Robert Cushing

Goodluck on your journey!Health Question & Answer

monitor everything you eat. Don't eat more then 1200 calories in a day, don't eat less then 1000. Eat alot of variety, and thing that are low in calories. Eat at least 1 yoghurt a day, 3 is best. Walk alot. Just little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, if done consistantly can make a huge difference. Try to drink a slim fast a day for one of your meals, this is because slim fast is balanced, and sometimes it is hard to get all your nutrients when you are dieting. The yoghurt is very important. also drink a lot of water. I think its possible because i have lost 20 lbs in a couple weeks before. It will probably take you more like 5-6 to lose that much, but it really depends on your body, and how much you weigh now. The more you weigh the faster you can lose weight. Don't do any fad diets, you don't actually lose fat with most of them, you just dehydrate yourself, and as soon as your body rehydrates itself, you will gain the weight back. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I don't believe there is any safe way to drop 80 pounds in 4 months. Thats 5 lbs. per week, or almost a pound per day. This is too much, too fast to be done safely, outside of gastric stapling or other severe methods. Be patient, lose the weight in a safe way, and in a way that will allow you to keep it off. The best thing to begin with is your diet, then your exercise routine (if you don't have one, get one).Health Question & Answer

I dropped 60 pounds in just less than 6 months with proper eating. It can be done if you are very strict. I gave up soda, cooked things properly, and kept my fat gram intake at 30 grams or less per day. First couple of months you will see a couple pounds lost, but by the 3rd and 4th months, you can drop 30 pounds a month.Health Question & Answer

thats a huge goal. and honestly u will need to run every single day for at least 2-3 miles. a healthy diet is also needed. put away the chips, candy, ect. and forget fast food. your diet should consist of only grains and lean meats, fruits and veggies. NOTHING ELSE. if u are serious about this then i would start running tommorowHealth Question & Answer

I lost weight quick using pink patch, I dropped 9 pounds in 2 days, I think there still having a free trial you can find it here,

hope this helps,Health Question & Answer

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